
After Dong Lei killed the eight guards of the Ma family, he tore off a piece of his clothes and wiped his dagger.

Then, he put the dagger back into his arm and continued walking.

When he reached the door of the conference office on the 66th floor, Dong Lei pushed it in without any hesitation.

At this moment, Uncle Yang, whose hands and legs were tied by ropes, was alone in a room.

Currently, Uncle Yang had been imprisoned for more than a day.

As for the Dong Group being ambushed by the Ma Group, the Xu Group, and the Lin Group…

Uncle Yang never expected that even the Dong family's guards had been killed by a surprise attack.

This caused the Dong Group to encounter the greatest crisis since it was established.

Uncle Yang hoped that Dong Lei would not wake up from the game.

Or rather, don't come to the Dong Group building.

In that case, Dong Lei would not be in any danger in the villa.