The road to Erilis

Ugh! What's taking so long? This road is too long. My feet are hurting.

Could you stop complaining for five minutes? If I had a choice I would of left you at the village but if I left you, you would most likely kill them.

No i wouldn't!


Hey, don't you believe m-


Don't shh me, I have feelings you know.

It's not that, I just smelled blood.

As Kenchi looked around, a group of heavily armored humans came from behind the surrounding trees.

Well, it seems we've been discovered.

Who are you?

I'm the leader of this group and you and your furry friend are next on my list.

(There's too many of them, it's gonna kill me to say this) Vellion I'll need your help to beat these guys.

No way in hell I'm helping you, plus if you defeated me then you should be able to beat this group of bandit rejects!

What did you just call us?!

The bandits closed in on them, and attacked. They dodged the attack though.

How did you dodge that? No matter I've dealt with runners before. Darkness magic: Life steal blitz.

The leader appears in the back of Kenchi and slashed him with a sword coated in a dark aura. A black cress formed on his back and his mana started dropping at a alarming rate.

Do you understand now that this is the end of the road for you.

Damn it, my body is slowing down, this can't be how it ends.

After I'm done with you I'll kill your friend.

Are you sure you're not the prey?

The bandit leader receives a swift punch to the face, he's sent crashing into the jungle.

You decided to help after all, thank you.

Wow, you don't look so good, I've never seen darkness magic in action, it's seem really strong even in it's base form.

Vellion placed his hand on Kenchi's back and absorbed the magic from the cress.

You know, for two people alone you're a real pain!

He rushed toward them.

Devouring Darkness!

He touched the ground with his right hand and a huge pool of darkness formed under their feet.

Shit, we're trapped.

They begin sinking into the darkness.

Paralyzing Air!

Vellion released an electric discharge, stunning the bandit leader and cancelling his attack.

That attack was a waste of my time.

Wait, where are the others?

You mean my other snacks?

The bandit leader confidence turned to fear.

You cheated, You cheated.

I guess you were wrong about who's dying today, it's you.

He raised his hand and formed a mouth on it.

Bye, bye.

In one quick motion he was devoured by Vellion.

After he ate him his arm grew back instantly.

Why did you kill him?

I was hungry.

I don't want you killing anyone.

We'll have to see how that goes.