Is this person really a blacksmith

Welcome to Erilis village.

As they walked the crowded streets of the brightly lit village Kenchi saw a seed merchant.

Winter season is here get your blossom apples and seeds here.

Excuse me, could I get a few apple seeds please.

Sure, that would be nine silver plats.

(Hold on, I don't have any money)

What happen, don't you have money?

Ugh, No. Is there some deal we can work out?

I'm sorry I can't give you the seeds.

Hey, let me go!

Huh, what's going on over there.

The group looked on as a man grabbed a girl's wrist.

I told you to let me go, I already told you I didn't steal from you.

You're lying, you slid your right hand into my pocket and took my pouch.

I'll teach you a lesson!

He raised his hand and swung it down at her, but Kenchi stopped his hand mid swing.

I don't think hitting a girl out in public is the best look for you.

Who the hell are you, wait you smell like a ghoul.

What are you talking about?

You are a ghoul, I never thought I would find a fellow ghoul in a place like this, nonetheless you're in my way move.

I'm not going anywhere.

I said to, move.

A menacing aura flowed out of the man as he spoke, Kenchi's aura instantly grew to match his.

You don't know how to give up kid, tomorrow at the crack of don we'll fight.

What!? Why would I fight you.

You interrupted me and won't stand. How about this, you'll fight me if you don't want me to destroy this entire village.

He's not joking is he?

Fine, we'll fight tomorrow at sun rise.

Great, sleep tight because this will be the last night you'll enjoy dreaming.

The man walked away from the gathered crowd.

The crowd broke apart as everyone went back to work.

Ugh, Thank you for helping me out.

Your welcome.

Suraki, why do you always find yourself in trouble?

Mister Toshinori, welcome back to the village.

It's good to be back but there is a more important matter at hand.

And what could that be?

Kenchi needs a blacksmith.

No. I don't do that stuff anymore.

Could you please reconsider your decision?

I'm grateful for your help but the answer is still, no.

(Damn it, how can I get her to be a blacksmith again)? Wait what if I win the fight tomorrow, would you join me as a blacksmith then?

(He's definitely going to die). Fine, I'll take that offer, once you don't die I'll hold up my end of the deal.