It a Fish, Not a Dragon


Uh, that really hurt, wait why can't I hear.

"Kenchi touched his ear, and a red substance covered his fingers, reality finally hit him".


Holy Crap, I'm bleeding from my ear.

~No. 8~

How are you still alive?


I can't hear you!

"The god became enraged by Kenchi's remark".

~No. 8~

You have no respect I'll kill you and that old fool.


She after Mister Hinoma.

~No. 8~

Tide Magic: Tide Serpent.

"A giant water snake rushed at Kenchi".

Magic Awakening: Sunset Slash.

"The serpent was slashed into vapor".


Adam, is Mister Hinoma okay.


Yes, but that's not the issue right now.

~No. 8~

So there's more of you. Now I have to take this serious don't I?

"The entire estate was flooded, creating a plate of water".

~No. 8~

Tide Golems.

"Ten giant water monstrosities were summoned. Kenchi and Adam stood firm, ready for combat".


God Art: Limit Break.

"Kenchi activated his mark and God Art. The Golems blasted water at Adam".


Magic Awakening: Solar Destruction!!

"A powerful blast of heat evaporated half of the golem, but they quickly reformed".


(If they won't die I'll have to kill them at the heart).

"Kenchi took a deep breath and thrust toward her. He cocked back his fist and threw a punch, however she blocked it with a shield of water".

~No. 8~

Tide Magic: Riptide!

"Kenchi's right arm was slashed in half from his middle finger".


(Shit! I forgot, my regeneration is slowed down when my God Art is active).

~No. 8~

Tide Prison!

"Kenchi was covered in a bubble".


(Why isn't my body moving. Is this the end)...

"A sudden black flame engulfed Kenchi's body".