11. I don’t know what you’re talking about


The guys had left a couple of minutes ago and I was left alone at the door thinking about everything that had happened this day. First I meet them and who apparently know me from before, and after all this time I could know what my life was like before. But what surprised me the most is how easy and comfortable I felt with them, especially with Santi, I don't know, there was a moment when I thought we were going to kiss, which didn't make sense, or at least to me.

I must admit from the first moment I saw him, he caught my attention, and I find him attractive. Deep down, I felt like something more united us than a friendship of years, but I have no idea what it was.

On the other hand, there's Carla. It's weird that I knew a famous person. I'm a simple waitress with a simple life, and out of nowhere, two people appear, one of them your brother's idol, and tell you that they know you... I don't know... Everything made me feel confused.

The headache I had had this morning was beginning to return, and more persistent than the morning, so it wasn't going to be a very easy night. "JESS!" Miky shouted, scaring the shit out of me. "What?" I asked "You were staring in the direction they went several minutes ago and I'm hungry."

"And can't you make yourself something to eat? If you were a big boy to stay home alone, can you not do yourself something to eat?" I asked even though I wouldn't let him do it. "You're the one who insists on treating me like a little child, so I'll act like one." He countered this and I rolled my eyes. "Okay, shorty, let's make something for you to eat, but don't think you're not going to help me."

"I had already planned to do that." We enter the house and it doesn't take long for Wisky to follow us into the kitchen. I told Miky to get what he wanted for dinner, and then we started making dinner laughing, until he got serious. "Were you really going to kiss that guy?" He asked, and the fork I had, ended up falling out of my hand. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, come on don't act innocent you didn't want Santi was going to kiss you, because we both know it's a lie." He said "I don't know what you're talking about, Miky." I assured even though it's more than clear to me. "Then you are going to play dumb." He murmured, "I'm not playing dumb, I really have no idea what you're talking about."

"Did you really not realize that that man has feelings for you? It's too obvious for you not to even notice Jess, you're too smart not to notice." "I really don't know what you're talking about." I also said "Wow, Carla was right." He muttered, and this time I frowned. "Right about what? What are you talking about, dwarf?"

"First of all, I'm not a dwarf, I'm ten years old, and second, she told me that the first time she realized Santi had feelings for you, you didn't even realize, he had feelings for you, even thought Carla suggested it.." He responded, "I think I'm lost." I said, now seriously, "Didn't Santi tell you?" He asked surprised, "Tell me what?"

"What is between you... or at least what was there four years ago." He muttered the last thing, and now I'm even more confused. "What was it between us?" I asked curiously "What?" he questioned. "Now don't act stupid." I said, pointing my finger at him. "Look, I think I opened my mouth too much. "I can't tell you what happened."

"How can you not tell me? Are you going to leave me wondering?" I asked "I'm sorry." He responded with a nod. "You are a bad brother, now I realize that." I said, pretending to be upset with him "I'm not, I just can't tell you. Carla told me that was something Santi had to tell you and well, I thought that was what you had been talking about, that's why I thought you were going to kiss."

"Look, I think it's better to leave this little thing he was going to kiss me, because he wasn't." I responded "Oh, I can't believe it." He said, with a big smile on his face. "What's wrong with you now?" I asked "You wanted him to kiss you." Miky assured "WHAT?" I shouted, "Don't try to fool me because we both know."

"I just don't know what you're talking about. This is all new to me and I have no idea what I want or have to do, and now you come to me with the story that I wanted him to kiss me?" I asked "Just admit it you wanted it, and I won't tell you anything." He responded laughing, and I know he's right, deep down, I wanted Santi to have kissed me, but it didn't happen because they came to interrupt us, and I'm not sure he wanted to kiss me either.

"You better stop saying stupid things and let's focus on making dinner." I responded, turning my attention to dinner. "Okay, I'm saying stupid things, but I know you wanted Santi to kiss you, there's no doubt about that." He responded, "They are your ideas, but I don't plan to talk about it anymore."

We were silent for a couple of minutes, but then it was all laughter again and he ended up telling me how excited he's for tomorrow, since he's going to spend the day with the person he adored the most.

Around ten o'clock I told him to go to sleep, and although it was difficult to convince him, he ended up accepting. Meanwhile, I stayed washing the dishes and then went to the terrace to think about everything. No matter how much I tried to remember something, I couldn't remember anything.

"Fucking shit... Why can't I just remember anything?" I asked no one in particular. That night I wasn't able to sleep at all, and to make matters worse I had a huge headache that practically prevented me from thinking. When Miky woke up, he appeared on the terrace, sat next to me and watched as the streets began to fill with cars.

"Are you unable to sleep again?" Miky asked. "It's nothing Miky, I'm fine." I assured even though I had quite a headache. "It's not what it seems if I'm honest." He replied, "You shouldn't worry about me, really."

"I'll always do it." At that moment I got an intense cramp in my head, which made me reach for it and which made Miky know I had a headache. "Does your head still hurt?" He asked in a worried tone. "It's nothing, Miky." I assured, "You always say the same thing, but do you remember what the doctor told you last time?"

"It's nothing like that." I responded, even though I'm completely sure it had something to do with it. "That's what you always say, but then it turns out you faint out of nowhere. The doctor told you to take things easy, the blow you suffered four years ago was too strong. You almost died from it and to make matters worse you have to have surgery to get that shit out."

"First of all, I didn't die, second, I can't take things easy because I have to take care of you, and as I've already told you a thousand times, we don't have enough money to do my surgery. It's nothing, this won't end up killing me, the doctors made it very clear." I said "YOU CAN'T THINK LIKE THAT. IF WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR YOUR SURGERY, I TOLD YOU I CAN HELP YOU WITH THE EXPENSES." He shouted and I snorted, focusing my gaze on the street. "You're a ten-year-old boy, no one would hire you."


"That's not what's been happening for a couple of weeks, because I notice it even though you try not to show it. Sometimes I can tell it hurts too much, for you to hide it." He responded without shouting, but still angry "Miky…" I started "Miky, shit Jessica. You're not taking care of yourself enough and I don't want anything to happen to you."

"And nothing is going to happen to me…" I tried to convince him "You said the last time and it's a miracle they didn't admit you." He huffed. "Can we stop this?" I asked, tired of talking about this "As always, you don't want to talk about it, but I'm starting to get sick of this Jessica. This can't go on like this."

With that, Miky left the terrace and I heard him slam the door to his room, so I knew he's angry. I didn't want him to be angry, much less worry about me. The shit I had in my head may have complicated some things in my life, but that wasn't going to stop me from living my life.

I got up at this moment from the armchair we had on the balcony and entered the apartment to start making breakfast, but then I noticed Wisky is at the door waiting for us to take him outside, so I finished doing breakfast, I put it in the microwave and grabbed the strap to take it out.

"MIKY, I'M GOING OUT WITH WISKY. I WON'T BE LATE." I heard a noise that confirmed he had heard me and I went out the door, making sure to close the door. We walked through the park and once we got there, I let Wisky go and let him run for a while, while I sat on a bench and kept him in sight. After half an hour I called him to go home again and once in front of the door of the apartment, my vision went away and to bad luck, the keys fell to the floor. The day couldn't start worse than it had already started.

"MIKY, OPEN THE DOOR." I screamed frustrated and screaming at the door for him to open it, but I'm almost sure he has his headphones on and wouldn't hear anything. I continued trying for a couple of minutes until I heard some footsteps coming in our direction and Wisky immediately started growling to stop them from coming closer. Miky had trained him a couple of years ago so that strangers who approached us couldn't do anything to us, Miky did it from the moment I started with temporary blindness.

"Wow, calm down, boy." said Carla's voice not far from where I am. This couldn't be happening to me right now. They couldn't be here, not at this moment when I couldn't see shit. "Come on Wisky, calm down." I said "Jessica, what are you doing there?" Santi asked "That's the least important thing…"

"Jessica, is that you?" At that moment the door opens and I suppose Miky appears through the door. At times like this the rest of my senses were heightened and I knew I had been looking at Carla and Santi.

"What are you doing standing here?" He asked, his gaze probably locked on mine. "I was calling you for ten minutes, but like always, you decided to put your damn headphones on. Can't you turn the volume down?" I asked, a little annoyed. "Sorry... it just helps me think."

"Please pick up the keys from the floor and help me get into the house." I asked, extending my arm in the direction his voice came from. "You're not seeing anything again?" he asked even though I don't have to answer the question, "Do you think I like standing in front of the door for the love of art?"

Miky took my hand and helped me into the apartment, took me to the couch and made me sit down. I could also hear both Carla and Santi enter and it didn't take long for Wisky to lie down next to me on the sofa and growl under his breath so they wouldn't get close to me, I don't know if it was luckily or unfortunately he knew when I don't see anything, I guess it was because I stopped and curse on everything.

"What's happening here?" I ignored the question Carla asked, because I really wasn't in the mood to talk at this moment, and I didn't want to take it out on anyone, they didn't deserve it. "Miky, you have breakfast in the microwave, don't make them wait any longer." I said, trying to locate myself on the floor. "And leave you here alone? No way." He protested, "I'll be fine, it will be back in a while and I'll go to work."

"I'm not going to let you go to work like this." He said "I have to work." I informed, rolling my eyes. "No, I'll call Eric right now and tell him you're not going to work." He responded and I denied, hating Miky's stubbornness. "I can't afford to miss any more days, Miky." I answered, "Eric will understand better than anyone, later he can come check you out too, so you're going to stay home."

"As you wish, but go have breakfast and go with them." I said "I'm not going to leave you alone Jessica." he argued "Of course you're going to do it. "I'm going to go to my room and I'm not going to leave there if that's what's worrying you, so yes, you're going to go with them." I responded, pointing in the direction I assumed they were supposed to be. "But…"

"But nothing... come on, they have more important things to do than wait for you." I said, "We have all the time in the world." Carla said, not far from where we are. "She's right, guys, you better go, I'll stay with her." Miky said, probably looking in their direction, but if there's one thing I'm not going to let him do, it's staying home and miss out on spending time with his idol. "No, you're not staying."

"SHIT JESSICA, YOU ALWAYS DO THE SAME THING." My brother screamed desperately, "Don't yell at me... I'm old enough to know how to take care of myself. Besides, you're small and you have to enjoy life, so you're going to leave and let's not talk about it again." I snapped.

He didn't even bother to answer, he ran to his room and locked himself in the room like he had done a hour ago. "I better go check on Miky." And with that, Carla soon followed Miky. At least I'm glad he has someone besides me, because right now I'm useless. I hate this more and more, but I had no choice but to hold on, I had to do it for Miky and so he had everything he needed.