33. Clarifications


At this moment we're sitting on the couch with me looking into space, and I could notice her gaze on me. Sometimes I really hated Carla is so bigmouthed, always telling things she shouldn't, that's why when you had to keep a secret, she's the last person to tell a secret, because she'll tell it, I still don't know how not to she told Jessica I was going to ask her to marry me when we were talking on the phone when she was in Los Angeles.

"Santi look at me." Jess asked, but I couldn't even look at her, I didn't feel good doing it at the moment, and I know she's not to blame for my doubts, but I can always see a little pain in her eyes for not trusting her, or at least that's what she thinks, because she's the person I trust the most.

I noticed how she approached me and with a finger on my chin, made me look at her. She had a small smile on her face, and I think for once I didn't see pain in her eyes. "Listen, it may be difficult for you to believe it, I get the feeling it's always like this, but I love you Santi, I love you more than anything in this world, and I'm not going to leave you because of some rumours a capricious little girl goes around saying she's pregnant with you, because I know that's not true, especially if we consider the dates, she says you were with her. The truth will soon come to light, I'm more than sure of that."

"I really wasn't with her." I whispered and she nodded "I know honey, I really do. I don't care about that, the only thing I want you to be clear about is that I love you and I'm not going to leave you. If even forgetting everything, I didn't let you go, now that I know more than I did a couple of months ago will do." Jess said with a smile on her face "I love you Jess, I really do."

"I know, and I hope you know I love you too. Better yet, why don't we make something to eat? I'm hungry." She said with her smile widening "And what does the queen of this house want to eat?" I asked calmer and with a smile on my face. "Anything as long as it can be eaten."

"Then let's go to the kitchen and see what we find there." We get up from the couch and head to the kitchen. Despite what had happened with Alison, Jessica and I were fine, and the best of all is the tumour hadn't grown in all this time and she could soon have surgery to remove it. They had to fix some things and do a couple more tests on Jessica, and she would have surgery, and that was great news.

Jessica sat on the island, and even though I wasn't looking at her, I could notice her gaze on me, it's a weird thing, but I always noticed it. I started looking for anything in the cupboards to eat, but I couldn't find anything, apparently, we had run out of food, which sucked.

"I'm afraid we'll have to go shopping." I informed my girlfriend "Then let's go." She said with a big smile, "Well, on second thought, do you think we should go on a date?" I asked and Jess frowned. "A date?" She asked as if she didn't understand what I just said.

"Yes, we haven't had one in a while, and I was wondering why we didn't do it today if it's just all good news." I said sincerely, "From your face when I arrived, it wasn't all good news." Jessica responded, "When you arrived, I wasn't in a good mood, and I was afraid you would leave me because you believed what that girl said."

"But I wasn't going to do it, and if it had been true, I couldn't have told you anything, at that time we weren't together, I couldn't blame you for anything." my girlfriend said, "I know, but I want you to understand it's impossible for me to be with someone other than you, anyone can assure you that." I reported and the smile returned to her face "I don't need anyone to assure me, and do you know why?" She asked and I denied not knowing what she's referring to at this moment "Because I believe you and I can see it in your eyes. You don't need to worry too much about that, I love you, only you and no one can take your place in my heart or in my life."

"I love you too." At that moment an idea for this data came in my mind. I want it to be special and for that, I needed the help of the kids and her family. I had the afternoon to prepare the surprise, but I shouldn't waste any more time with my stupid insecurities, because she loves me and I want to show it to her, I just hope... no, no, I know she will agree to marry me, she has made it more than clear to me she loves me and if she doesn't want it right now, I'll wait as long as it takes for the world to understand I only love Jessica and no one else can take her place in my heart.

"Santiiii…" my girlfriend protested with a pout on her face "Sorry love, what were you saying?" I asked, "What had you somewhere else?" She questioned curiously. "I was thinking about what to buy." I lied, "Let's go shopping and we'll see what we get." Jess responded, shrugging her shoulders "No, I can go with the kids. Better why don't you stay with your sister and Carla to spend the afternoon? After all, today you were going to spend the afternoon with her."

"I can do it another time; we have to go shopping." She insisted "I can do it. Plus, like I told you, I can take Madison and Miky and spend time with them, so they trust me and stuff like that." I said, "They already trust you Santi." Jess responded, rolling her eyes. "Well, to get to know them better."

"Okay, if that's what you want, let's go get them." We left the house to go to the house where Jessica's sister, the kids and Carla were. The door was open, and even though I had told her thousands of times she shouldn't leave the door open; it seems she always decided to ignore it.

"Hey, have you talked and had make-up sex yet?" Carla asked with a big smile on her face "Carla!!!!" I exclaimed, "As much as I liked the sex part, I don't understand why it has to be about reconciliation if we haven't argued." Jess said "Jessica!!!!" I exclaimed again "It's true, love." She responded, laughing, "And here I thought that living with two innocent kids would make you stop saying things like that without giving a shit about what they thought."

"No, I don't give a shit what other people think." My girlfriend answered, "You made that more than clear, coming out of nowhere on that program. Did you not think about the consequences this could bring?" my sister-in-law asked, raising an eyebrow. "Of course, I know them, and I have them present in my mind, but that's not what we're here for, is it, love?" She asked me and I denied, "No, I came for the kids." I informed "Where are the four of you going?" Carla asked. "The four of us aren't going, she's staying with you." I said, pointing at my girlfriend, "Jessica separating from you? I don't believe it."

"You were the ones who wanted to spend the afternoon with her, and someone will have to do the shopping, because literally, we have nothing, and if you want to have breakfast tomorrow, I better go shopping." I reported, "It's true, you need to go shopping, don't forget tonight's dinner." Carla asked with a smile on her face, "Well, you can go look at what to have for dinner, because me and Jess are going out." I responded, "You go out and it doesn't occur to you to invite me?" She asked, feigning pain. "It's a date, of course I'm not going to invite you."

"Other?" She asked, raising an eyebrow and I motioned for her to look at the phone, because I wanted her to stop asking me things, I had just enough time to prepare everything for tonight. I sent her a message telling her my plan and as soon as she and Sofia see it, a big smile appears on their faces. "Count on us, do you need help?" She asked with a big smile on her face. "It's just shopping, but if I need anything I'll let you know."

"You know where it is, right?" Carla asked, "I know, don't worry." I assured, remembering perfectly where it was, "Right now is the least, we'll do a great job." Carla informed and Jess frowned "Great job of what?" my girlfriend asked, "That you're going to have the best afternoon of your life and we'll make you not want to do anything other than sleep."

"I should be afraid of that." Said Jess "You should, now let's go. Would you like an afternoon of shopping Sofi?" Carla asked, looking at my sister-in-law, who also had a big smile on her face. "I think we can look for a wedding dress store." The girl said excitedly, "It's true, we all have to meet up one afternoon to look at your wedding dress."

"It will be a whole day, if I remember correctly, she loves trying on clothes." Jess noted, "You remember, dear sister." Her sister answered with a big smile on her face. "Something, can we go now?" Carla asked "Sure, come on. You two have a good time and do everything Santi tells you." Jess said seriously, "We will." The kids responded

"Good." My girlfriend said, with a smile on her face. "Shall I pick you up at eight at home?" I asked my girlfriend "Yeah, I love you Santi." Jessica said with a big smile on her face "I love you, Jess." I left the house with the kids behind me, and we headed to my car. I could hear them whispering something, I guess it's because they didn't understand what I wanted from them, but they would soon find out. I opened the door for them so they could get into the car and then got into the driver's seat, but before driving I called Jess's grandmother to ask her and her parents to meet her at the mall.

"Santi, it's not bad, but why do we have to go shopping with you?" Miky asked curiously "I need your help for something. Right now, you're the people who know Jessica best and I want everything to be perfect." I sincerely said, "Perfect for what?"

"I want to ask Jessica to marry me tonight." I revealed "What? Seriously?" Madison asked "The most serious thing I could ever say in my life, that's why I need your help. Can I count on your help?" I asked and they both nodded quickly "Of course, I like to see my sister happy, and I know she's happy with you. "You better make her happy, otherwise you'll regret it."

"Don't worry, all I want is to make her happy, and I will do it no matter what it costs me." I assured "You better. Now tell us what we are going to do." Madison asked excitedly. "We have to go to a jewellery store to buy a necklace." I reported with a big smile on my face "I thought it proposed with a ring." Miky said confused "And it is, but I need a necklace."

"I don't understand. Don't you have to take the ring?" He asked, "I've been keeping the ring for four years, but I want to buy something for it separately. "I want everything to be perfect." I said, "Let me tell you, you got the best helpers you could get. But as soon as Jessica notices we're taking too long, she's going to start asking questions."

"That's why we have Carla and Sofía's expert to distract her. They will be infallible and will help us distract Jessica." I informed the kids, "I hope so, because if not, her spider sense will realize we're hiding something." Madison responded and to which Miky laughed "True, but I heard they said they were going to go shopping for clothes."

"Don't worry, they won't come near the shopping centre where we will be. Now you better tell me what Jessica might like so she doesn't forget" I asked, "I think everything you can give her won't forget."