42. Punch


We had arrived home an hour ago, and I really wasn't surprised by anything the private investigator told us, and I expected those two would be in cahoots, which doesn't bother me, all I ask is for them to leave us alone.

Since I didn't want to obsess about them, I decided it's better to go for the kids from school since they would be leaving soon and at least it would help to distract me from everything for a while. I left our bedroom and went downstairs to look for Jackson, they wouldn't let me go outside alone at all.

As soon as I found him, I told him we would go get the kids, and we headed towards the car. For about ten minutes, the drive was silent, and I was about to fall asleep again when Jackson stopped the car.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay home to sleep?" Jackson asked. "That's what I want most right now, but I also want to go after the kids, so you better hurry before I fall asleep again." I asked, "You know you can stay home, right?"

"I know, don't worry about it, really, I'm fine." I assured "I have to make sure. Better tell me what you plan to do with those two degenerates." He said curiously, "You don't know?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "What am I supposed to know? Should I worry about what you're planning to do?"

"No, of course not, but a couple of weeks ago, they called Monica because they wanted her to appear on a show for an interview." I reported "Are you planning to go? Because we both know they want to know what happened during the four years that you were missing." He said, "I wouldn't do it if they didn't want Alison to be there too."

"I'm not understanding anything. Are you going to go to an interview with that crazy woman?" she asked, "Think about it Jackson, there's no better way to be sure she will do something to me, because she will do it in front of millions of viewers." I pointed out, "I have to agree with you on that, but we both know she's crazy."

"I know, but we also know there will be security, but more than anything there will be you and a couple of other bodyguards, not to mention Santi and Carla, I know you won't let her do anything to me." I continued explaining, "You can be more than clear about that. But then I'm not understanding the reason for everything we're doing."

"I think we both know that, in her head, it is more than clear I'm not going to appear at the interview…" I began "It will be in for a surprise." He said, following my idea "Yes, but I will also make sure she doesn't know I'm going to that interview until a while after the one they do with her." I reported "Why?" He asked, looking slightly away from the road. "Because she'll tell whatever shit she's planning to tell, and she'll think she's winning the war…"

"And that will be the moment when you appear to prove what she's saying is a lie." He said, understanding what I want to do, "Exactly." I responded with a smile on my face "You have a brilliant mind, Jessica." He laughed. "Maybe."

Just at that moment we arrived at the high school now when everyone began to leave. Once both Madison and Miky see the car, they get into it and with a smile on their faces the moment they see me in it. I return their smile and once they get into the car, they both give me a kiss on the cheek, "What are you doing here? I thought Jackson or Hamilton would pick us up."

"Don't you like me coming to come for you?" I asked, turning to them and raising an eyebrow. "It's not that, but you're tired lately, and it's not that we don't understand, you're pregnant and all, but we don't spend as much time together as we used to." Miky pointed and I sighed, because that's true. "I know, and I'm sorry guys, I really am, but that will be fixed this afternoon if you don't have too much homework to do."

"I don't." Miky said quickly, "Me neither." Madison continued with a smile on her face "Great. "So, what do you think if after we finish eating, we go get some ice cream?" I asked, with a big smile on my face. "Yeah, we haven't had ice cream in a while."

"You ate it the other day at Carla's house." I pointed out "How do you know?" Miky asked, frowning. "I find out things." I reported, laughing, "Shit Jess, you're scary." The little one murmured, "Miky, that language."

"I'm sorry but it's true." He protested, "By now you should know Carla is never silent." I answered honestly, "We know." Madison said with a small smile on her face. "Well, come on guys, today we'll make lunch for everyone." I reported "Why doesn't Santi do it?" Miky asked with a frown. "Because both he and Carla won't be here until seven."

"Are they in the studio?" They both asked at the same time, and I nodded "So who is it for everyone?" Madi asked "Us and the bodyguards." I responded "Jessica, you don't have to do it for us." Jackson protested. "Wasn't it clear to you I'm not going to let you eat separately from us?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at my bodyguard. "You should listen to her, Jackson, because she means it."

"I know, now, should I take you guys home, or do you have to go somewhere first?" Jackson asked with a small smile on his face. "Can we stop by the social centre first?" I questioned "Sure." This one answered.

During the way to where the social centre is being built, the kids told us how their day had gone, and although I could tell they didn't feel like doing anything, I had also realized I spent little time with the kids for the last couple of months, whether it was because I was tired, because I was putting together the plan to get Alison to leave me alone for once or because of the preparations for the wedding, so this afternoon it would just be them and me, because I missed them too.

Once we arrived at the place, the four of us got out of the car and began to head inside the building, because even though it had started a couple of months ago, with all the people who were working here, we could get it done finish sooner than expected, because if there's one thing more than clear to me, it was that I wanted it to be finished soon, people had already been waiting too long for it to be built, I didn't want them to wait any longer than necessary.

"This is going faster than I expected." Miky murmured next to me, "I think the same, Miky." As soon as we entered there, it didn't take long for a couple of people to come up and start telling me about the progress and problems they're having.

After almost an hour, I decided it's better to go to a restaurant and eat, because I really didn't feel like making food at all and the guys were happy with that.

During the meal, it was all laughter and much of the conversation had to do with the wedding. I can almost say they're more excited than I am to get married, but it's complicated for them to overcome my desire.

When we finished eating, we decided it was better to go get the clothes they would wear to the wedding, and we practically spent the afternoon from store to store until they finally decided on what they wanted to put. I have to say I was relieved to get it over with and now I think I understand what Carla was saying about hating shopping.

Once we left the mall, we started heading to the car with Jackson and the kids' bodyguards following close behind. Just now when the bodyguards are heading to the car, I notice someone grab my arm, which causes me to quickly turn around and punch the person behind me.

"Leone!!!! Can I know what the hell is wrong with you?" Jesy asked, putting her hand to her nose. "Jessica?" I asked confused for a moment that she's here "Of course it's me! Who the hell...? Shit, now my nose is bleeding." Jesy protested, "Now you will learn not to try to scare anyone."

The moment I look behind her, I see the others are looking at us and shocked at what had just happened, I must assume. I decided not to give it any more thought and to grab something to see if it would stop the bleeding. "Let's go to my house so I can cure it for you, come on."

"You broke my nose, Leone; this can't be fixed at your house." She continued to protest, "First, I haven't broken anything, and second, if I don't fix it, I'll make you feel better." I assured, "We are going in our car. Do you want someone to go with crazy Jesy?" Jade asked with a smile on her face. "Hey, Leone is the crazy one who hit me."

"If you hadn't taken my arm this would have happened, so we better go before I change my mind." The girls went to their car while we left in the car even though we had come. All the way home, Jesy kept complaining I had broken her nose, but if I'm sure of one thing, it's that I hadn't broken her nose.

Once we arrived at the house, we got out and I gave the keys to Miky so he could open the door while I waited for my dramatic friend to leave the story. "You could at least help me out of the car." Jesy protested again, "Did you hear me ask for my help to get out of the car? I can assure you right now I could be complaining about a thousand things, but I choose not to."

"I can't understand how your fiancé manages to put up with you with the temper you have." Jesy murmured, "Easy and simple, he doesn't take my arm without me having time to realize it." I said even though that's not the reason, "Oh sure, his little friend never catches you by surprise…"

"It does, but that doesn't mean I don't want it. If you knew the things, I could do with it…" I said with a smile on my face "Too much information Leone." My friend protested, "Then you don't ask about it if you don't want to know the answer, because you knew I was going to answer it." I responded with a laugh. "At least I know in some of that lost mind of yours, is old Jessica."

"Well, if you don't get up, old Jessica will leave you at the door and make sure no one lets you in." I joked, "Okay, let's go because I clearly don't want to stay here bleeding out." At that same moment the girls arrive and leave the car behind Jackson's car while we go into the house to give her some ice and a shirt to change into.

"Go to the living room, I'm going to in a little while. Do you want something to drink?" I asked, "I can do it Jessica." Jackson protested. "As far as I know, you're my bodyguard, not my butler." I pointed out, rolling my eyes. "It may not be, but I can still do it." He insisted "As you wish. I hope my T-shirts, Jessica you because that's what you're going to get."

"As long as it's not a weird t-shirt it'll be perfect." my friend said and I headed to the kitchen to get the ice and give it to Jessica, but first I was going to make sure her nose is okay and just at the moment I was cleaning the blood off her face, both Carla and Santi appeared, the first one apparently can't hold back the urge to laugh.

"Can we find out what happened to you, Nelson?" Carla asked once she saw Jesy. "Your friend here and the fiancée of the person next to you, punched me right across the nose, and no matter how much she insists it's not broken; I think it is." She protested "Dramatic as always." Carla pointed out, "Now am I dramatic? Did you not hear what I just said?"

"That Jessica punched you, but I can't understand how you got to that." Carla said, crossing her arms. "I just held her arm, nothing more." Jesy reported "And like I told you, I had no idea it was you." It didn't take long for Santi to approach me and kiss me on the temple. If I weren't cleaning Jesy's wound, I would give him a kiss and stay in his arms, because really, I'm sleepy.

"I'm going to go get your shirt, I hope you don't do anything stupid." I asked, "Don't do it yourself." Jesy returned and I couldn't help but roll my eyes, because if there's one thing, I'm more than clear that most of the time she drives me crazy.

When I got to the room, I went to the dressing room and started looking for a shirt she wouldn't have to complain about for not being to her taste, although I really shouldn't care what I gave her, it's in my house and it's one of my shirts, but it just so happened we had similar tastes, so it wasn't going to be too much of a problem finding something for my friend.

I was about to leave the room when suddenly a couple of memories from when I was little come to me, like from different times, but the one I could say I liked the most was one in which Santi and I were in a park and started as a couple.

At this moment I couldn't be happier, because now that it didn't bother me so much not remembering the things I should remember, a couple of memories came to me.

I grabbed the shirt, ran down, threw the shirt to Jesy and ran to where Santi is, who ended up catching me in the air, because if it weren't for him, I would be on the ground. I'm also more than clear at this moment everyone is looking at me as if I had gone crazy, but it didn't matter to me because I remembered one of the most important moments of my life.

"What is it that makes you so happy, love?" Santi asked with a big smile on his face. "I remembered something." I responded, "What?" He asked again, this time with a curious tone. "A couple of things, but especially the moment we became a couple."