Chapter 14

"Takumi, honey, who is this young lady?" His mom asked. "And this gentleman?"

Twilight silently thanked the Moon Goddess that she wasn't wearing her pyjamas instead of jeans and a hoodie.

"Mom. Dad. This is Twilight, and this is her dad, Mr Sakata."

"Son, is there a reason why they're both here? Did you do something we should know about?" His dad had a serious look on his face.

"No no no, she's just a very small friend who's tutoring me. Her dad dropped her off and I invited him in for a bit."

"Speaking of, I should get going." Twilight's dad got up. "Call me when you're done."

"Ok, Papa."

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr and Mrs Rengoku." They nodded.

"But honey, your grades are already good. Why would you need a tutor?"

"I know, but I just want to be sure I get a scholarship to a good university. It's never too early to prepare for my future."

"That's my boy, working hard like your old man."

"Right." His mom knew that something wasn't right. "Well, as long as she's not your girlfriend. I'd rather you date someone who's... more ladylike." Twilight tried to ignore the insult.

"Really? I think she'd be a cute girlfriend for our son and make an even cuter wife for him. We'll have adorable grandchildren for sure." He joked.

"Shut up, Shouto."

"So, Mom and Dad. Why are you here?"

"We had less work to do today, so we decided to drop by. I didn't expect to meet my potential daughter-in-law," His dad joked again.

"I don't mean to sound rude, but that's never going to happen. I'm not interested. He's easy on the eyes but not my type."

"Honey, we'd love to stay and chat, but we have to get going."

"So soon, my love?"

"Yes, now let's go."

When they left, they took the tension in the air with them. Twilight and Takumi stood there in silence. Twilight decided to be the first one to say something.

"That was... unexpected."

"I didn't think they'd show up, especially without calling first."

"I'm pretty sure your mom doesn't like me. At all."

"Nah, she just thinks that all girls want to date me just to use me."

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure it's more than that. And rest assured I'm not looking to date you."

"You say that now, but you ripping off my shirt the other day said otherwise. Gummy Bear."

"Funny how you didn't share that bit of information with my dad. Want me to do it?"

"No thanks, I love being alive. But just to be sure, your dad wasn't serious about his threat, right?"

"Oh, he was. What did you expect? I'm all he has left, you know. You'll be fine as long as neither of us says anything. Especially about sharing a bed. Good thing I showered otherwise, he would've smelled that something was up."

"Ok. But seriously, don't mind my mom, she'll come around."

"I highly doubt that. I'm going to bed. You should too. You have school tomorrow."

"Ok, mom"

"Don't even."

The week flew by in a flash, and Saturday finally came. This time they met up at the park.

"Ice Beauty, we finally meet again."

"Ichiya, still the same as always, huh? Nice to see you again, Keito."


"By the way, Ice Beauty, this is the missing quarter of our group, Hansuke."

Hansuke was the more normal one in the group. A 6'0 lady killer. He's like Keito but a little more outgoing. As mentioned before, he looks approachable but is a hothead.

"Well, Ichiya, looks like you're no longer the shortest one in the group. Nice to meet you, Short Stuff."

"Just so you know, it's ok for me to be short. Since I'm a girl, it only adds to my feminine charms," She stated smugly.

"Feisty, I like that. You're alright with me, Short Stuff."

"See Han-kun, I told you she's a keeper."

"So Short Stuff, are you Takumi's girl?"

"No, I'm..."

"So, you're one of those live-in prostitutes?"

"See Kei-kun! I wasn't the only one who thought that."

"Shut up, Ichiya. Hansuke, she's his caretaker. It's a long story."

"Yeah, do I look like a prostitute to you?"

"You don't have the goods of one, so no. More like a little kid. If you're not Takumi's girl, then whose girl, are you?"

"Interestingly enough, she's not taken. Believe me, it's not easy to win her over, I've tried many times."

"I'm pretty sure it's hard for you to win over any girl with your half-ass pickup lines." She shot back.

"You are an interesting one, Short Stuff."

"I've been thinking I should go see my dad tomorrow. We never really explained anything."

"Ok, should I go with you?"

"Probably not a good idea."

"Ok, can I at least drive you there?"

"Yeah, but you don't have a car."

"True, but I can always borrow my cousin's car. He lives not too far from here."

"And he doesn't mind?"

"Yeah, we're like brothers. Plus, he owes me one."

"Ok fine."

The next day…

Takumi dropped her off at around noon at the pack's borderline.

"You can pick me up after four hours. There are also a few things I need to pick up, and thanks."


She entered the pack's territory and made her way to the packhouse. On the way, she came across the other wolves. They were surprised, of course, but they still greeted her. When she got to the house, she knocked on the door. Takeshi was the one who answered.

"Oh, Princess? I didn't expect you to come back so soon." He ruffled her hair.

"Nice to see you too."

"Your father's in his office."

"Let me guess. Overworking again?"


"How long has it been this time?"

"About 4 or 5 days."

"I see. I'll take care of it."

"That would be a big help."

Before she went up, she went to the kitchen. She made his favourite: beef and baked potatoes. When she was done, she carried it up to his office. He was so busy that he didn't notice that she came in. It was a funny sight.

"You'll end up going bald if you don't cut back on the work. How will you face Mama Wolf like that?"

Her dad looked up and had a gaping mouth. He dropped whatever he was doing and went over to give her a huge ass hug. But she stopped him.

"Not until you've taken a bath." She pinched her nose. "Seriously, you stink. I could smell you from downstairs."

"Fair enough."

"But it's probably best if you eat first. There's no way I'm dragging your passed-out body out of the bathroom."

When he saw the beef and potatoes, tears of joy ran down his face.

"This is why you're the best daughter in the world. Please don't get married and leave me all alone," He said while hugging her.

"Ew Papa Wolf, no. You still need to take a bath."

One bath later. She explained everything to her dad, leaving out the kinky parts. Takeshi was also there because he had nothing better to do (he was just nosy). Her dad left when a wolf said that they needed his help urgently. When he left, Takeshi burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"I don't like him that way. Nothing's going on between us," He imitated her. "I've heard a lot of bullshit in my life, but first place definitely goes to that one."

"But I'm serious."

"So, you're telling me that you guys share a bed, and nothing has ever happened?"

Her heart might as well have stopped.

"H-how did you know?"

"I didn't, but now I do. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you said there's only one bedroom, and I highly doubt someone would be able to sleep on the couch or the floor for that long. But then again, maybe I'm wrong, so I had to make sure. I'm not your dad's Beta for nothing."

"Please don't tell my dad. Takumi's mom already hates me, and I'm sure she'll sue me, or something if she finds out that my dad was the cause of her son's death."

"Look, Princess, I won't tell him, but I'm not promising that he won't find out. Eventually, he'll find out. And please don't do anything risky."

"Geez, why does everyone think I'm going to get knocked up? I sure as hell don't want to add to the teen pregnancy stats. And I know I'm under the legal mating age, so give me some credit."

"Alright alright, I believe you. Knowing you, you won't even let him look at you in a weird way. So, I'm guessing you're not staying for long."

"Yeah, I just came to clear up some things and to pick up a few things."

"Are you ever going to come back?"

"I'm not leaving forever if that's what you're asking. I'll be here on weekends and holidays, at least for the next two years, since I have a job. After that, I'll stay in the pack and visit Takumi on weekends."

"Do what you must, but in my honest opinion, I think you'll be seeing him more often than not. Anyway, I'll leave you to it."

She went upstairs to her room and packed a few things into a small bag. They were just small items like her phone, wallet, a few books, a framed picture of her and her parents, etc. Her dad came in.

"What's up, Papa Wolf?"

"I don't think I gave you your birthday present. I know it's a little late, but happy birthday."

He gave her a jewellery box.

"Your mom wanted to give it to you when you turn 18, but I think she can forgive me just this once, seeing how the situation has changed. It's something that's been passed down in her family."

She opened and was met with an assortment of necklaces, bracelets, earrings, cufflinks, rings and more. They, of course, looked priceless but what made them distinctive was that they were all black, including the gemstones with a few rubies and red diamonds as exceptions.

"These are gorgeous."

"I knew you'd like it."

"Correction, love it. But I'll leave these with you for safekeeping."

"Ok," He hugged her. "I'm sending one of the guards with you. I sorted out his living arrangements, and he'll be out of sight. You won't notice him."

"I guess that's fair."