Chapter 33

Takumi woke up with a note stuck to his face. It said:

Pack elders wanted to see me. Not sure why or when I'll be back.


"Your original wolf was a white one. And we all know that white wolves are destined to be Lunas and that they always give birth to the strongest pups. Hence, they always get an Alpha as a mate."

"Where are you going with this?"

"The problem is that white wolves are also the ones who are in the most danger because they are sought after. Unmated males will try to mark one because being mated to a white she-wolf means having a right to challenge an Alpha for his position. Or, if applicable, even the offspring of white wolves have the right. The situation is worse in your case. The entire empire knows about your wolf."

"I already know all that. Can you get to the point?"

"We think that it's best if you consider finding another mate, who's a wolf. Before you say anything, listen to what we have to say. As far as everyone outside the pack is concerned, you're unmated. But just because you're the princess doesn't mean you're safe. If anything, it gives unmated males even more reason to try their luck, and we all know it has happened before. And having a human as an Alpha, well it's obvious what will happen. And it's even more obvious that a human doesn't stand a chance against a wolf or many wolves. He won't be able to protect you. Not to mention, if you do have pups with him, they'll be weaker than most wolves which will be the same problem when they're grown. Hence, we suggest that you choose another mate who is a wolf. There are plenty of unmated males, some of which are Alphas or betas. Please consider it. You're your father's only pup, so your safety is a priority."

"No," She simply stated.


"Meaning: I've already made up my mind about it, and I refuse to choose another mate."

What she said caused a commotion.

"Do you realise how big the risk you're taking is?"

She stood up and slammed her fist on the table, almost breaking it. That quieted everyone down.

"First of all, my first mate was an Alpha, but he rejected me. That being said, he should be the one to have this conversation with you. Second, I was paired with a human as a second chance, so it is what it is and if you have any complaints, take it up with the Moon Goddess, not me. Third, you said mating with humans will result in weak pups, which is true. But not for white wolves, who always bring strong pups into the world. Meaning: it doesn't matter whether my mate is a wolf or a human, so there's no issue in that department. Fourth, excuse you, but I've been trained to be a warrior wolf for over twelve years. I can easily fend for myself, so I'm not some fragile thing that needs to be kept under lock and key. One thing I will agree with you on is that we can't have a human as an Alpha, that would put the pack in unnecessary danger. But it's not uncommon to have one as a Luna."

"So, you're suggesting that the pack have two lunas and no Alpha?"

"No, there'll be an Alpha and Luna. I'll just be the Alpha, simple as that."

One of them stood up.

"With all due respect, Princess, we can't have a female as Alpha. That's a male's job."

"And I'm certain that having a high IQ combined with a larger capacity to feel, express and read emotions or, in layman's terms, a higher EQ makes me suited for it."


"No, let me stop you right there. You said a human can't be Alpha, so I don't see a problem with me being Alpha. My father did his job raising me right and preparing me for when he steps down. And wasn't one of my ancestors a female Alpha?"

"That was only because her mate had died, and their son wasn't old enough to take over."

"It's 2021. I'm sure we're long overdue on not pushing gender roles. If you have nothing else to say, I'll be taking my leave."

She ran into Youhei just as she exited.

"You were eavesdropping, weren't you?" She asked him.

"Eavesdropping is such a strong word. I prefer to use the term: listening in without your knowledge or consent."

"How much did you hear?"

"Pretty much everything."

"I can see how you and Mitsu are Takeshi's kids. Does being nosy also run in the family?"

"I'm not nosy, just curious. There's a difference. So, a female Alpha and a male Luna, who's also a human. Your stubbornness never fails to amaze me." Youhei said.

"Whatever you're trying to say, just say it."

"If it comes down to anything, I'll be on your side."

An hour later...

She bumped into Takumi in the kitchen.

"Oh hey, you're back."

"Hold that thought. I need to brush my teeth and put on some clothes."

She went upstairs and came back a few minutes later.

"What was that about?"

"I went for a run, saw a deer, and you know how the food chain works. It wasn't easy sneaking up on it because my wolf can't exactly blend in with her surroundings. That's part of why I took so long."

"Are you going to tell me what they wanted?"

"Do you want me to quote or break it down gently?"

"That alone tells me that it was about me."


"What's going to happen?"

"This is going to sound a little ridiculous, but, in a fit of rage, I might have come up with a compromise."

"I don't know how I'll feel if it turns out I'm supposed to be some sort of concubine."

"It's not that, but I think they would've brought it up if I wasn't at their throats. Either way, I would've shot it down. But don't worry about it too much. My dad and I will sort it out," She hugged him.

"What's this for?" He gave her a head pat.

"Nothing. I just felt like it. Umm..."

"Something wrong?"

"No. It's nothing."

"Can't be nothing if your entire face is turning red."

She avoided his gaze. "Can you get behind my ears?"

"Is that it?"

She nodded, still blushing.

"Why didn't you just ask right away?"

"It's embarrassing, ok. Especially since they're sensitive."

He petted her behind her ears. The slight movements of her tail let him know that she was enjoying it.