Chapter 6

Beau woke up feeling like he was in a dream. He looked over and saw the body of the most delicious woman he'd ever tasted laying alongside him. The way his fitted sheet traced her body captivated him so badly that he ignored his need to pee for nearly 15 minutes just to stare at her. Beau wanted to start kissing her until he woke up her with a fantastic orgasm, but he knew it was a dangerous slope into missing an entire day of class when he wouldn't be able to pull himself away. He had a class in a little over an hour, and a second one that wouldn't release him until 1pm.

The smitten male went to the shower and organized himself for a regular day. His own reflection in the mirror impressed him. It seemed he had a smile implanted on his face, his life even. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so naturally happy. Even his hair looked healthier. The forced bags under his eyes from lack of sleep slowly faded away. Perhaps the tug of his skin to form a smile pulled those bags out of shape.

When Beau stepped back into his room half dressed, he thanked god to see her still laying there. He was almost positive she'd slip away the second he couldn't hold her back. He got onto his knees and started kissing her forehead and cheek. He wanted her to feel as gorgeous as she made him feel.

Victoria's eyes fluttered open to the sight of the hunky red head man that had made her orgasm like no one ever had. She slipped into a smile and fell even deeper into his grasp.

"I have two classes today, but I'll be back at 2pm. Tell me you'll still be here when I return?"


"Excellent," Beau lit up, leaning in to feel her lips before leaving for a boring work day.

"I won't be able to get you out of my mind. I am going to say something ill fated like, "In the Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, Victoria let me make love to her twice and I can't believe how hot she...I mean…," he joked while putting on a fresh pair of pressed pants and a plain black t-shirt.

Victoria enjoyed his playfulness, the look on his face when he stared at her. She'd never seen a man look so smitten. Previously she had only seen him with a dead stare in class. Now, he had a stare with a grin that never left.

"Goodbye gorgeous. Make yourself at home, please."

"Thank you Beau."

She watched as he stepped out of the room and listened to his front door closing. She feared he'd get attached too fast, but how could she complain when she was a culprit as well? She didn't want to leave his bed even though she knew it was in her best interest to leave. It was in his best interest that she leave, too. Only, he didn't know it yet.


"Did you win the lottery?" Reed asked Beau the next morning. They'd met up at a local coffee shop on the outskirts of campus, seated outside to capture the essence of the perfect weather. The fall was coming to an an end and there wasn't much time left before everyone was wearing a coat much too big for their own comfort. Beau sipped on a cappuccino while Reed ate a buttered croissant with his coffee.

"No, why?" he snickered before taking another sip. Beau pulled up the sleeves of his buttoned up plaid blouse that corresponded with his gray pants. His black shoes had been freshly polished, the sun bouncing off the reflection of their shine.

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile on your own free will. Something must be happening. If you won, you can tell me. I won't tell anyone else, but I will ask you to pay off my house. I've been a good friend to you!"

"I'm sorry to tell you I didn't, but I will agree, you are a good friend, if not my best. So I will tell you."

"There's only one other reason a man can look that happy."

"What's that?"

"I don't like to use this word in public, if at all."

"Whisper it."

"Pussy," Reed whispered in Beau's ear. Beau burst out laughing, as did Reed.

"You're spot on Reed. But not just any."

Reed knew immediately. "No!"

"Yes!" Beau shook his head up and down with such exclamation.

"When did you get the courage to ask her out?" he asked, his shock possibly superseding that of Beau's, who still couldn't believe his own luck.

"As it turns out, I drunkenly asked her on her assignment to come to my office after class. I had no idea why she came to see me until she showed me the essay herself. We talked for a minute about the possibility of her being a teacher's aid, but she shot it down. I asked her if she was older than I thought, and she was, 26. With her being so close to my age, and just the way we got on talking so comfortably, I grew the confidence to ask her out. She said yes."

"Fantastic Beau! Where did you take her?"

"We went to Blue Daliah, to be honest I chose a new place that I didn't think anyone would run into us at. I spent half the night worried we would be caught by another professor. We had a great time there, so I asked her if she wanted to come to my place for drinks. We sat on my terrace and drank more, kissed….and then she wanted me to lighten up because I was so nervous, so she admitted to me she'd fantasized about us on the assembly desk."

Reed was grinning ear to ear at this point. Beau's happiness was radiating for miles. His energy was brighter than that of the sun.

"So with that new information, I went in for it. We did, twice. Plus, I got to, ya know…"

"Ya know what?"

Reed was a little older, after all.

"I got to.." Beau looked around and leaned over to whisper "…eat her out."

"Oh! Wow! was it?"

"Reed, there are no words. She is, was, and will be, the best I've ever had. She's gorgeous, dear God she is gorgeous. I'm falling for her, I cannot stop thinking about her."

"I am so proud of you for making a leap in any category of your life. I've never seen you like this before."

"I didn't know I could feel like this! I've never been happier."

He meant it. Beau was smiling so widely, his entire face changed from his usual sullen demeanor to impeccable glee.

"I hope I can hold onto this."

"I see no reason why you can't."

"What am I going to do the day that we run into someone that knows she is my student?"

"Relax Beau, Vancouver is a big city. Plus for the most part, you know where most of the professors you have to worry about go already. You have to see where this goes, she could be the future Mrs. Edison!"

"I hope so. Waking up beside her, I can't even begin. It was like I was dreaming. But it was real. I was holding her, kissing her, staring into her eyes. I already know I'm in love with her."

"Does she feel the same way?"

"I don't know to be honest. She seemed to have enjoyed the sex as well. She said she thought she'd fall for me too. Perhaps I should not convey to her how strongly I feel until I can sense she feels the same way."

"Just be yourself. I'm so happy for you, you deserve it. But I can't say I'm not completely jealous. Maybe my wife and I will have to come role play after class."

Beau laughed at this notion, as did Reed.

"How did you know when you'd found the one?" Beau asked seriously.

"You just…know. There is this uncanny feeling, and when you feel it, there will be no doubt that they are."

Beau nodded with confidence. He knew it to be true. No one would ever make him feel this giddy again; she had to be the one.

"Speaking of the one, we need to get going so you can see your new girlfriend."

"It was only one date," Beau modestly pulled back.

"Either way, we can't leave the children hanging! Onward to class!"

"Please don't call them children, I already feel like such a creep," Beau laughed as they both stood up, taking their coffees with them as they walked back to campus.

Beau and Reed said their goodbyes before parting ways to their respective offices. Beau only had a few minutes to grab his items before he'd head over to the assembly. He switched on the light and found his briefcase for class. Before heading out, he paused to take a look at himself in his mirror, moving his coat he always kept hanging no matter what season up to hide it. Beau couldn't believe it for himself. He'd never seen his own face look so impossibly joyous. He didn't even bother to check on his hair or anything else, he just wanted to see for himself how different he looked; and it was true.

With just a few minutes left, Beau headed over to the assembly and found no one yet had arrived in the classroom. He began placing his items on the desk, his heart pounding as he waited for the moment that Victoria would not just light up the room, but his life too.

At last, he could sense her proximity before he even saw her. Something in his body told him she was there. He looked up just in time to see her walking a few inches away from him.

"Good morning Professor Edison," she smiled at him.

"Good morning Victoria," Beau smiled back at her. The way she smiled renewed his confidence; she looked just as excited to see him as he did her. She had a seat and Beau couldn't help but keep taking glances at her. When other students began entering, he whipped his mind into shape, laughing at himself how silly he felt. But it wasn't silly at all. It was love.


The entire class Beau forced himself to keep a straight face, he knew he couldn't drop any hints whatsoever of how much he was beaming inside. He didn't need any issues of favoritism or giving higher marks because he was, realistically put, sleeping with one of his students. Every time he got excited about the notion of how taboo it was, he immediately thought about the consequences. He knew luck wasn't usually on his side and that one day, someone would find out. What would he do, or say? Would he lie about who she was? His thoughts were cut off when the last student dropped off their assignment and he was free to leave. Victoria had left a bit ago, leaving him to ponder these items.

As soon as he got the last essay, he returned to his office. He set down his briefcase and was just about to have a seat when a knock on the door startled him. He came back over to open it where he found his dream come true smiling at him.

"May I speak to you about today's essay Professor Edison?"

"Of course," Beau smiled, allowing her in and closing the door. As soon as the door was shut, he grabbed her messenger bag off her shoulder, hastily setting it down before grabbing her face to force a long awaited kiss. After all, it had been torture watching her for two hours and not getting to touch her in the slightest. He held onto her lips with his own, melting in the softness of their connection, slipping his tongue into her mouth to feel her even more. She let out a slight moan, making Beau hard on instant. He pulled back only to undo his belt, pulling his pants down just enough that his exposed cock wasn't hindered in the slightest. Victoria watched in her own lust as Beau picked her up the legs, pushed her up against the wall by the door, and held her in position. He pushed her skirt up, realizing she wore nothing below.

"You're not wearing panties," he swooned.

"I couldn't stop soaking them thinking about you."

"Dear god," he gasped before leaping into another kiss.

Beau died inside. He lowered her body just enough that he could get inside of her, then commenced to thrust her while keeping her against the wall He gritted his teeth to quiet his own moans, watching in awe as her own face screamed out in pleasure even if she too was silent. Even if he didn't get to hear her beautiful gasps, this scenario was far more of a turn on. He didn't tire in the slightest, too eager and in his own heaven to want to stop. He could feel her legs gripping tighter to his waist, and each time she clung tighter, he could feel more tightness in her vagina, making him want to come even sooner. He couldn't let this moment end, but he assured himself there would be far more of these escapades to come. He began his momentum for his release, still reeling to see how pleased she was. He knew he could stare at her for the rest of his life and not once tire. The way she bit her lip, her eyes glowed, the shape of her eyeliner making her already large brown doe eyes look even bigger…it was everything he needed to see just as he felt himself pumping inside. He held her in place as he let himself come down from his orgasm, then slowly proceeded to set her back down on the ground.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" he joked, still panting.

"Oh, you've answered all my questions Professor," she teased, smiling at him. She too was in shock at this entire scenario. Her professor was so handsome, so chiseled and his red hair the perfect shade. She was still weak in the knees, and not just from holding onto him with her all of her leg strength. She pushed her skirt back down while he pulled his trousers back up and placed his belt back on.

"Do you have plans this evening?" he asked.

"I do, sorry. I have to work."

"You never told me where you work."


There was no possible way she could tell him where she worked.

"I wait tables."

"Oh yeah, where at?"

"This place across town, I doubt you've been there."

"I've been everywhere, where is it?"

"The Keg."

"I'd love to drop by and visit."

"Don't! I mean, you wouldn't see me, because I'm usually working VIP tables in the private room."

"Well, of course they want you to handle the VIP tables. You're hands down their most gorgeous employee."

She hated lying to him. She hated every moment of not being the person she truly was, and even having to fear telling him the truth. But it was too soon, it was all too soon.

"I will be thinking of you all night."

"I will be too."

She meant it. Every man she had to look at, she would be picturing Beau looking back at her.