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She kisses him passonately and says "Please consider it?" Savage pushes her down on the counter and has his way with her and she enjoys it begging for more. Savage finshes with her then says "That was relaxing" She says "So sex helps you relax?" Savage nods and says "Yeah it does" She smiles and says "Feel free to come back whenever you need to relax i'm always ready for you" Suddenly she is restrained tied down to her desk by her legs and knees being held by Spider Webs. Savage says "Oh shit" Suddenly the Spider Goddess, The Lone Wolf, Insantiy and Hope jump through the walls entering the room. Followed by the rest of the girl's in Savage's harem he says "What is going on?" He is held in place by the girls they say "We caught you cheating with this whore and now she dies and you darling will be punished we might kill you but then again it's not like we need you alive you've cheated on us for the last time darling" The girls relentlessly stab the Therapist cutting her until there's nothing left. Then they turn to Savage they then realize that this wasen't Savage it was someone else that Savage paid to attend that meeting and used Illusion Magic to give the illuison of it being Savage. The fake Savage says "Your insane!" They kill him then leave they find Savage he was laying on a hill relaxing under a tree alone. They surround him he says "What's up?" Hope says "We don't want you cheating on us again so we prepared a room that we'd like for you to remain in it's too dangerous to allow you outside please come darling"