Chapter 3: The Man He didn’t Expect

“I just bought it, so I trust you’ll take special care of it for me. Once you’ve finished reading it, just bring it back and tell me what you thought.” Lance was almost too eager to hand off the book with a proud smile. He knew the book was in good hands, it always was after all. Rather, he enjoyed hearing his students’ opinions. He was always interested in what they liked or disliked about the books he suggested.

If there was one thing he loved about his job, it was the joy of being able to help these kids. Lance had seen his fair share of good kids and bad kids, but they were all the same in the end; give them a safe space, show them you care and you’ll make progress.

“Thanks, Mr. Robbins!” Theo responded before shoving the book in his bag and following the rest of his class out of the room. It was no surprise that Theo was the last one out of the classroom, he almost always was thanks to his favoritism towards Lance.

Slumping back in his seat, Lance leaned his head back and stared up at the ceiling as he thought of the night to come. Lance could already feel his anxiety growing, he wasn’t exactly eager for Report Card Conference Night but he also knew how important it was to his kids.

Lance could only hope that he was prepared, this would be his frst time meeting the parents and there’s no telling how they might act. “If I thought I had some troublesome students, I wonder if their parents are any better?” Lance couldn’t help but question with a ghost of a smile. One last look around the room before Lance got to his feet, he had some time on his hands so he might as well run out to grab a bite of food before the parents start showing up.



Lance could feel his energy draining once the mother left, followed by embarrassment over his stammering when she’d touched him. He wasn’t stupid, he knew all too well where her interests lay and it certainly wasn’t her son’s education.

“At least most parents were pleased to meet me, and know that their kids are doing well.” Lance tried to reassure himself, while also trying to loosen up and relax before he met the next parent. The last thing Lance should worry about right now was letting another parent walk in and see him like this.

A glance at the clock reassured Lance that the night was almost over, he was really just waiting on one parent. Theo Pittman had warned him that his brother was going to be the last to show.

It wasn’t until he heard the rushing footsteps echoing down the hall that he perked up, eager to meet the parent and get out at this point. But as soon as he saw the head of black hair and silver eyes, Lance couldn’t help but choke on his breath. What were the odds of Lance meeting the guy from the bookstore?

Lance could feel his mind spinning and short-circuiting, hands curling into his pants under the desk. He knew Theo mentioned a brother but he didn’t expect it to be the man from the bookstore. ‘Practically a kid compared to me, but it just had to be him?’ He thought, well aware that he was floundering under the gaze of those silver eyes but unable to pull himself out of his trance.

“How’re you enjoying those books?” Scott’s voice pulled him out of his own panic, even as the wolf-shifter tried to stifle the smile that tugged at his lips. Scott could read Lance like an open book; the panic in his eyes and how he fidgeted in his seat. But internally, Scott felt like the universe was plotting against him. How could his mate be the very teacher that Theo absolutely adores? Is that supposed to be a good thing?

Scott didn’t mind watching Lance flounder, he was obviously flustered by the wolf-shifters presence, as he dropped into the chair across from Lance. Sure Scott wasn’t happy to know that Theo’s favorite teacher was his mate, but at least he could enjoy the moment. Scott felt like he could freely gawk at the human without Lance realizing that he was staring.

“I didn’t realize Theo was your little brother, though I suppose I should have been able to put two and two together. Theo talks about you a lot, Scott correct?” Lance said once he managed to find his words followed by a small nod from the man, Lance felt like he needed a moment to clear his head and remind himself why they were both here. “Lance Robbins, though I’m sure you’re aware.” Lance was quick to add followed by the heavy blush dusting his cheeks. ‘Idiot.’ Lance cursed himself.

“Scott Pittman.” Scott felt the need to introduce himself, he could sense how nervous Lance was. “Bit of an age difference between me and Theo, but I’m the only parent he really has. Please tell me by baby brother isn’t falling behind?” Scott went on to ask, diverting his attention to his brother’s grades so as to ignore the pull of their bond.

“Theo is a bright boy and a pleasure to have in class, he always gives it his all and strives for the very best in my class. His attention to detail–” Lance began to ramble on about Theo only for Scott to quickly intervene.

“Is intense.” Scott had finished his sentence and both men couldn’t help but laugh. The tense atmosphere between them had started to evaporate, replaced with their pride towards Theo.

As Theo’s teacher, Lance was proud of the boy’s talents and his eagerness to learn. Scott on the other hand took pride in the fact that he blended in seamlessly with humans, his focus on school and his grades spoke volumes. And where Lance didn’t mind talking about Theo, the boy was a joy to have in his class, Scott enjoyed the fact that the conversation steered him away from the pull.

Scott could sense that Lance had questions, most likely about him and his role in Theo’s life. While Lance talked about Theo and his role in the classroom, Scott could see how his brows would furrow as he talked and there was a flicker of confusion that passed over his face. That didn’t surprise Scott, he knew that humans could be nosy and he definitely knew that their family life was always a topic of interest.

“Theo always aimed high when it comes to school, I think he’s just always wanted to impress me and make me proud. Not like I give him a reason to feel otherwise.” Scott responded after a moment’s thought, talking about Theo always came easy but then he was reminded of who he was looking at.

“Theo always hands in his best work. Granted, I enjoy giving my students room to fall and learn, so tests can always be retaken at least three times and essays to be resubmitted twice. Your little brother rarely needs that extra bit of help.” Lance told Scott before handing over the papers, feeling his breath hitch when Scott’s hand brushed over his.

Lance spared a glance at Scott, catching the flicker of emotion flash through silver eyes. The emotion was gone too quickly before Lance could register if Scott felt the same buzz of electricity as he had. Should he bring it up to Scott? Or was it one-sided?

Scott kept his eyes trained on the paper, smile tugging at his lips at the grade stamped on the front, even as his body was fighting the urge to reach out towards Lance again. He scolded himself for letting his guard down around Lance, he’d heard stories from his parents growing up that the mate pull was almost always impossible to ignore.

“I try to help Theo out with his homework, otherwise I get our Uncle to help,” Scott muttered as he shifted his weight back to put some distance between the pair. Scott tried to avoid the man’s gaze, he didn’t want to give in to the pull. Not now. Not ever. He felt the need to remind himself that he was here for his brother, this was just meant to be a conference to make sure his brother wasn’t slacking.

There was a part of Lance tht wanted to pry, wanted to keep Scott around for a little bit longer and keep him talking. He wasn’t sure if that was his boyish crush starting to develop towards Scott or just mere curiosity, but he knew better than to act on it regardless. It didn’t matter that Scott wasn’t his student, but rather he was one of his student’s brother. For Lance to even think of pursuing some kind of relationship with Scott could possibly be interpreted as Theo trying to get a foot above the rest of the class. How long before someone questioned Lance’s ethics over Scott?

“Your efforts show in Theo’s work, both on paper and in class. He’s a bright student with plenty of talent, as long as he keeps working like this then I’m sure he’ll get very far in the future.” Lance told Scott, some pathetic attempt at ending the conference that only seemed to fail when he’d made himself comfortable in his seat.

Lance was mesmerized at Scotts posture, rigid and on the defense, along with those silver eyes that refused to look at him. He almost didn’t realize that he’d been staring at the man, help captive and analyzing every blink, every minor twitch in Scott’s face or the slightest shuffle in his seat. Lance found himself wondering what Scott was hiding, what was he holding back on and why. But he had to remind himself that Scott was his student’s brother, he had no right to pry and ask Scott to open up to him.

Scott’s clearing of his throat had pulled Lance out of his trance, the man shifting in his seat out of embarrassment. ‘How long had I been staring at him? Had he noticed?’ Lance thought as Scott pushed himself out of his seat.

“If we’re done here, I think it’s time I go. I left Theo with my Uncle, plus I have an early start in the morning. Work.” Scott said with a nod to the door, fighting the urge to sit down and spend more time around Lance. He wouldn’t call Lance out over the staring, knowing it would make him uncomfortable. Scott could see it in his eyes that Lance had been watching him, a reminder that Lance was human. A human mate was dangerous, at least to Scott.

Scott hated Lance’s stare, it reminded him of customers that would waltz in just to stare and drool. But he also blamed himself for the man’s actions. If not for Scott and the mate pull, the chances of Lance batting an eye at him like this would be low.

“Have a nice night, Scott.” Scott heard Lance say as he rushed out of the room.

Swallowing down the growl that instinctually rooted itself in his soul, the sound of the human teacher uttering his name. Scott's body echoed in a shiver that ran through his body. Scott’s body never felt more alive than it did walking through the hall of the school. Bracing himself against the wall Scott took in a deep breath.

“This pull is dangerous.” He whined his voice echoing against the cold walls of the empty school.

Scott forced himself off of the wall. Willing his body to continue moving. Putting distance between himself and his mate. Denying the pull is always harder for a shifter than a human. But the further he got from Lance, the stronger Scott felt. Further cementing his resolve to push down the call of fate.