Chapter 23: Comforting Words

“So Ruben… told you about me? About… what I’ve been through?” Scott muttered, one hand raking through his hair as he tried to avoid the man’s gaze.

After everything that happened with Ruben and Adan, the arguments, and all the anger and pain, Scott couldn’t continue ignoring Lance. He knew that Ruben had made some good points in terms of Lance and the mate pull. Ruben was the reason that Scott was here, sitting in front of Lance, and having brunch with the teacher.

“He didn’t say much. But… enough. It wasn’t his story to tell, but he thought it would help if someone else knew. You aren’t mad at him for it, are you?” Lance responded with a raised brow and Scott couldn’t help but laugh.

A little too late for that.

“No. I wanted to be but… I know he means well. Ruben has always done right by me.” Scott reassured the man and it was obvious that his words had helped Lance to relax.