Chapter 45: Settling Down Roots

Theo couldn’t remember a time when the house was so full, it felt like both a good thing and a bad thing given the circumstances. Wilbur was sleeping on the couch next to Lydia, and Theo found himself entertaining Toby while also trying to ‘study.’

“Can you get the door, Toby?” Theo had asked the child when he heard the knock over the commotion of Wilbur’s snoring and the noise from the TV.

Toby stared up at Theo for a split second before hopping out of his seat and rushing towards the door.

Theo wasn’t all too surprised to see Adan, but it was more surprising to see Lance right behind his uncle. Toby had immediately run back to Lydia’s side the moment both men stepped into the house, and while Adan lingered by the door Lance had immediately moved to Theo’s side.

“I thought you could use some help with your studying, Scott told me that he was going to visit the Shadow Fang Pack today,” Lance said as he sat himself down next to Theo.