Chapter 11: Eva

Thane hadn’t been waiting more than five minutes when a set of headlights appeared on the main road. Because of how little traffic the town received, he wasn’t the only one to look out the large window near the entrance.

A light-blue cab pulled up in front of Monroe’s and the driver and a passenger from the back got out of the vehicle.

Thane tapped on the shoulder of an elderly man sitting in the booth behind him. “Excuse me, but why does the taxi service stop here and not the local Inn?”

The older gentleman's face wrinkled in concentration. After a few seconds, he remembered. “From what I remember, the Inn ain’t on their maps. Had a fella come through here some years back, took pictures of the place and left. Monroe’s was the only place opened all night at the time. When we do get folks passin’ through, especially this late, it’s usually where they stop.”