Chapter 15: Day Three

Kate rolled over and turned off her alarm and then pushed a curtain aside to look outside. The sun wasn’t out, but the new snow made her squint. She shrank back into bed and shrieked, “Oh, what a world, what a world! I’m melting, melt-”

Her phone rang. Answering it, she said, “Hey Tim.”

“Hey. How’d you sleep last night? I heard your sister was in town.”

Kate looked at the clock. It wasn’t even seven. “We’re not even open yet, how did you find out?”

“The bakery over at Carol’s Grocer. Can you believe it’s the only thing any of those old crones are talking about?” he asked.

Kate knew there was a joke in there about his age, but she wasn’t in the mood. “What all did you hear, Tim?”

Tim sighed. “Multiple variations of partial stories from second hand witnesses. You know, real reliable stuff.”

She smiled. “I’ll tell you about it when I get in. I want to apologize in advance for never sharing any of what you heard with you. It’s just,”