“First,” Thane said quietly. “I truly believed Eva would be safe. I understand if you want nothing to do with me ever again, but know that if I’d known she was in any danger, I would have stopped it or died trying.”
“I know that Thane.”
“Second, disregard what the IVSCD told you.”
Kate shook her head, saying, “Thane, I get it all now. Why you were so, closed off? Why you avoided specifics to what you do, why you’re dressed the way you are. If it means keeping you and others you’re protecting safe, I’ll do what that Nakamoto guy asked without hesitation.”
“Yet you’re speaking to me now,” Thane pointed out.
“Well, I didn’t want you to think I was ignoring or avoiding you out of spite. I figured I could start shunning you tomorrow.”
Thane was suddenly less confident about what he wanted to say. “What if,” he said. “What if I am not willing to remove you from my life?” He took a step toward her.
Kate swallowed and could feel her face turning red.