Tim dropped Thane and Kate off in front of her apartment, waved goodbye and drove away.
It was early morning, but still fairly dark meaning the sky would likely be covered in low, gray clouds. Kate stared at her apartment building and asked, “What now?”
Thane looked at her. “I imagine we’ll go up to your apartment and continue what we’ve tried to start several times now.”
Kate smiled. “No, I mean, yes, but, not about that,” she motioned to the town and the forest surrounding them. “I know Tim gave me a few days off, but I can’t go back to working for him. Not after everything that’s happened.”
Thane sighed. “You don’t find it appealing to stay here, with me, spending every moment of your free time educating me about the world of movies?” He reached out and pulled her close. “Or we could spend that time doing other things…”