Father Cheng and Mother Cheng

Lily had the blood of a wizard. She was destined to be more than just an ordinary person unless someone could seal her energy, but it would only treat the symptoms and not the root cause.

Therefore, Yunbao decided to be Lily's teacher for the time being and teach her how to use her energy to become a junior witch.

As the youngest person in the family, Yunbao was very happy that she could become a teacher. She took out 100% of her enthusiasm to teach Lily. Although Purple Eye had helped a lot in the process, Yunbao thought that she had the talent to be a teacher.

Cheng Xi finally relaxed in this environment. Even if there was no official divorce now, it was still a beautiful life that she did not dare to imagine.

As for Devon's request to see the child, she rejected all of them. She couldn't let him appear in front of Lily again. It would be best if they never met again.