Birth Secret

This sentence was a little incomprehensible to Cheng Xi, and no one understood what it meant to forcefully create a child.

Song Yun looked at everyone's puzzled expressions and sighed. "The nurturing of life is a very sacred thing. No orthodox spell can control it. However, a hundred years ago, sorcerers experienced a dark era. During this period, many spells that violated the laws of nature were born. The potion you drank back then should be it."

"That potion can ensure that you're pregnant. Even if your body doesn't successfully conceive, the potion will use your flesh and blood to forcefully create a child. Lily's birth was caused by this potion."

Everyone present was stunned. They did not expect that there would be such a spell that could use human flesh to create a life.

Cheng Xi said in disbelief, "But Lily's hair and eyes are very similar to Devon's. How can she not be his child?"