Chen Yue and the Rong Family

"Do you have Chen Yue's contact information?" Devon couldn't help but ask.

Mao Feng shook his head and said, "We never exchanged contact information."

If this was before, Mao Feng could easily find Chen Yue with the help of the array, but now, he could not do this at all. Once his sorcerer cultivation was exhausted, his recovery would be especially slow. He did not dare to ask Devon to help him. If Devon attacked, he would not have the ability to fight back.

The two of them could only sigh and wait, hoping that Chen Yue would come back as soon as possible.

At this moment, Chen Yue was walking in the best club in the capital. She had thick makeup on and was wearing a cheap gown. She looked no different from the escort inside.

She had dressed up like this on purpose. Only then could she see the person she wanted to see.