Lily's Tears

This was the reaction Chen Yue wanted. She said, "You're currently being pursued by the three aristocratic families. I'm afraid you'll be caught before you reach the airport, but I can help you."

"What do you want?" Devon asked.

Chen Yue didn't say anything and just looked at him steadily. Devon understood what she wanted. In any case, she didn't understand the side effects of the potion. Even if he couldn't immediately leave the country, he could fool her for a while. It didn't matter if he gave it to her now.

Devon nodded and said, "I can concoct it for you now, but I still need your blood as a catalyst. As long as Xiao Jing drinks it, he will fall in love with you."

Chen Yue quickly stretched out her hand and said, "If you want my blood, take it. I only want Xiao Jing's love."

Cheng Xi still did not know Devon's decision and was a little worried about what to do if he did not come. Lily could not delay any longer.