Devon Is Caught

Devon knew that he could no longer escape. He had used too much energy and it was not enough to cross the sea, and without Cheng Xi by his side, he would not leave. He lived in this world to bring Cheng Xi back to his side.

He knew that if he didn't succeed this time, he really wouldn't have a chance. Before he came, he knew that Cheng Xi was luring him out, but he still came regardless.

He did not care if this was a trap, as long as it gave him a chance to take Cheng Xi away.

Since there was no way to take Cheng Xi away, it was better to die like this.

Devon gathered energy in his palm, wanting to attack his heart to commit suicide. However, Yunbao did not give him a chance to do so. She directly used the crystal ball to restrict his movements.

Devon was struggling desperately to die, which made Yunbao unable to control him. Gu Yu saw that she was struggling and quickly came over to help.