Magic Artifact

This time, Tian Min brought the entire team to visit. When she saw Yunbao and Lily walk over, she said to Zhao Rou, "You guys go ahead."

After saying that, they walked towards the two children. Especially since Zhao Rou had a bright smile on her face, the two children felt a little afraid.

Jiang He and Jiang Hai acted as shelves and hung everything on them. Zhao Rou kept taking them off their bodies and placing them on the two children. She said, "This necklace is very compatible with the array of the other bracelet, but this way, the hair clip on your head will have to be replaced."

Yunbao stood stiffly and let her hang things on her body. She looked at her mother for help.

Gu Teng hurriedly asked, "Are these the magic artifacts you applied for?"

"That's right." Tian Min nodded and said, "After we received the approval, we took out all the useful magic artifacts in the warehouse. We will definitely arm them from head to toe."