Soul Restoration

The black fog brought Mao Feng's flesh and blood back to Ling Ran's side. He took out a bag and handed it to Rong Feng. "This is Mao Feng's heart. He has already become a skeleton."

Looking at the bag that was still bleeding, Rong Feng did not dare to take it. It was not that he was afraid of dead people's organs, but he did not want the blood to dirty his hands.

He turned his head and gestured for the secretary to take it. The secretary could only walk over and pick up the bag with trembling hands.

"I believe that Mr. Rong has a way to verify who this heart belongs to," Ling Ran said with a smile.

Rong Feng did not say anything, but he did have a way. The bandage on Mao Feng's wound was still in the villa. As long as it was sent for testing, they would know who the heart belonged to.

However, when he saw how confident Ling Ran was, he believed more than half of it.