Brief Youth

Because only Gu Lin had witnessed the entire process, he explained everything in detail. However, no one could think of what this black-robed man wanted to do, so they could only call Yunbao over.

Gu Lin asked, "Yunbao, what did the man in black say to you at that time?"

Yunbao thought for a moment and said, "He asked me if I wanted to be a witch with high cultivation forever."

This answer made everyone fall into deep thought. Gu Yu was the first to speak. "Since it's forever, does it mean that Yunbao has to live for a long time?"

Two words appeared in everyone's minds: Longevity.

Only longevity could allow one to live forever as a sorcerer, but so far, no one had heard of anyone being able to live forever.

For this, they got Yunbao to summon Purple Eye. After all, she knew more.