The Powerful Nanny

Qiao Anna suppressed the jealousy in her heart and pouted, "Yi, when did you hire this young and pretty nanny? You didn't even tell me. I thought you had a girlfriend!"

Seeing that Qiao Anna believed her, Yu Fei heaved a sigh of relief.

Qiao Anna's words were half coquettish and half questioning. She had thought that Feng Yi would explain to her, but he did not say a word and just sat down at his seat.

Yu Fei glanced at the seat next to him, hesitating whether she should sit there or not. She was a little afraid of Qiao Anna's glare. It did not feel good at all.

After weighing her options, she decided to find another seat to sit down, one seat away from Feng Yi. As soon as she sat down, she noticed a cold, sharp gaze. She could not help shivering from the cold. As soon as she turned her head, she met Feng Yi's frosty eyes.

Feng Yi's face was gloomy, full of displeasure