Can’t Bear to Part

After saying that, Yu Fei blinked her eyes and put on an embarrassed expression. "Young Master, you see..."

She did not believe that Feng Yi would really let her be Qiao Anna's assistant. Even if he agreed, but would his son agree? The little guy was very clingy to her now, and she was confident that Feng Xiaochen would never let her leave.

"Yi, since Little Fei has agreed, can you let her work at my place tomorrow?" Qiao Anna did not understand why she was so bothered by the fact that Feng Yi was the nanny. Although Yu Fei was also quite pretty, Yu Fei could not be compared to her at all. She should not have been worried that Feng Yi would fall for this nanny.

Feng Yi's standards had been very high since he was young and he was very picky about everything. How could he be interested in an average-looking and lowly nanny? However, her intuition told her that this housekeeper was a threat to her, so she had to get her out of the Feng family as soon as possible.