
Yu Fei panicked and tried to call out to him, "Feng Yi?"

The person on the bed still did not move, nor did he respond.

"Feng Yi!" Yu Fei called him again, but he still did not respond. Her expression turned ugly, and she ran back to the bed.

Feng Yi seemed to have passed out. His eyes were tightly shut, and the wound on his forehead was still bleeding.

Yu Fei was frightened. She was so frightened just now that she hit him, but she did not want to hurt him!

"Feng Yi, don't scare me!" Yu Fei's voice was trembling. She was afraid that something would happen, so she ran out of the bedroom and shouted downstairs, "Butler Zhao!"

Butler Zhao heard Yu Fei's voice and immediately ran upstairs. Seeing Yu Fei's pale and panicked face, he quickly asked, "What's wrong, Young Madam?" 

Yu Fei's voice was trembling. "I accidentally hit Feng Yi's head. He's bleeding a lot. Send him to the hospital!"