Are You Playing Hard to Get?

Yu Fei took a step back and tried to escape. But as soon as she turned around, the man's strong arm wrapped around her waist.

As Feng Yi exerted more force, Yu Fei fell uncontrollably toward his chest and hit his solid chest. It felt as hard as a wall. Her face was pressed against his warm skin, and she could clearly hear his strong heartbeat.

"Feng Yi, let me go, what are you doing?" The two of them were in a cooperative relationship. It was clearly a fake marriage, but he treated her like this time and time again. What was she? In his eyes, was she the kind of woman whom he could take advantage of whenever she was in a good mood?

"Where do you want to hide now?" Feng Yi laughed coldly, a hint of mockery in his tone. He reached out and pinched her chin.

"Yu Fei, are you playing hard to get?" He forced her to look up and meet his eyes.

"What?" Yu Fei looked at him in surprise.