King of the Dark Night

"Tsk tsk, who called this girl over? I haven't seen her before, is she new?" a man in the private room said.

In the private room, there were seven or eight men in disheveled clothes. They were either sitting or lying on the sofa, each holding one or two women in their arms.

Obviously, Yu Fei had disturbed them by barging in. She swallowed nervously and said, "Umm, I..."

Before she could finish her sentence, the thug had already started to pound on the door. "B*tch, come out! Do you think that I can't do anything if you hide inside? I'll smash this door! I'm going to kill this little b*tch today!"

Boss Wang was cursing at the door and ordered the hatchet men to smash it open.

"What's going on?" Some of them frowned, their expressions not looking good.