More Shameless Things to Come

Feng Yi frowned when he realized this, the look in his eyes was complicated. This was not a good sign. He did not like to care about another person's feelings, and he did not like to have another extra worry in his heart. This woman… What should he do with her?


Renhe Hospital.

The director was already waiting at the entrance of the hospital after receiving the notice. The moment Feng Yi carried Yu Fei out of the car, he rushed over to treat her.

Yu Fei had been drugged. After the infusion, she woke up very quickly. The moment she opened her eyes, her head still hurt. She rubbed her temples in a daze and muttered, "It hurts."

"You won't learn until you're in pain."

A cold but familiar voice sounded. Yu Fei was shocked and quickly raised her head. When she saw that it was Feng Yi sitting on the bed, she froze, her mind spinning. "Feng Yi, why are you here?"