She’s a Female Hooligan?

Feng Xiaochen was not in good health. He usually stayed at home and slept for more than ten hours every day. It was not easy for him to come out today, so he was already tired. The little guy was already sleepy, but because Yu Fei had not come back yet, he could not feel at ease. He kept holding on. After Yu Fei got into the car, his nerves relaxed. He tilted his head and fell into a deep sleep. Although he was asleep, his small hands were still tightly gripping the corner of Yu Fei's clothes.


Feng Yi woke up when they reached the neighborhood. Yu Fei felt that he had not slept at all.

Feng Xiaochen was sleeping soundly. When Feng Yi went to carry him, he didn't show any signs of waking up.

Yue Feng helped carry the vegetables and followed behind the two of them. Upstairs, Yu Fei opened the door and Feng Yi carried Xiaochen in.

"Yue Feng, why don't you stay and have dinner with us?" Yu Fei looked at Yue Feng.