Just a Passer-by in His Life

While Feng Yi was showering, Yu Fei ran into the bedroom and put on her pajamas.

The bedside lamp in the bedroom was on, and the light was very dim. Feng Xiaochen was afraid of the dark. He did not dare to sleep without turning on the lights. Feng Yi said that the little fella would have an emotional breakdown in the dark. The little guy was already fast asleep.

Yu Fei put on her nightgown and gently lay down beside him. As soon as she lay down, Feng Xiaochen rolled into her arms and hugged her. He called out in a daze, "Mommy…"

"Xiaochen, did I disturb you?" Yu Fei thought that the little fellow had woken up and was regretting that she had woken him up. She looked down and realized that the little fellow had not opened his eyes at all. His eyes were tightly shut. After muttering to himself, he continued to sleep quietly.