Becoming a Female Hooligan

"It's Mr. Yue Feng," the maid replied.

"Alright, I understand." Hearing this answer, Yu Fei's heart felt sweet. Yue Feng was working for Feng Yi, so Feng Yi bought it for her. She did not expect Feng Yi to remember that she liked to eat this crab. She was flattered.

After the maid left, Yu Fei hugged a whole box of crabs and was actually reluctant to eat them. She took out her phone and took a photo of the crabs. After thinking for a while, she opened social media and posted the photo. She only sent a picture without any text.

Within a minute, there were more than 500 comments on her picture. Yu Fei did not read the comments. She logged out after posting the pictures. Recently, her reputation was not very good. She did not want to see those insults affect her mood.

On the other hand, Zhang Lin seemed to be following her all the time. As soon as she posted on social media, Zhang Lin sent her a message.

Yu Fei opened it.