I’ll Keep It for You for the Time Being

Yu Fei thought that she would take off the bracelet once Old Master Feng left. What kind of joke was this? How could she dare to wear a bracelet worth 100 million yuan everywhere? If she were to break it, she would not be able to afford it for a few lifetimes!

Although jade was not that fragile, the value of such a top-grade bracelet would be greatly reduced even if there was a crack.


Old Master Feng had specially come to see his grandson and great-grandson, so he naturally stayed for dinner.

Yu Fei originally wanted to make a few home-cooked dishes, but with the old man here, she did not dare to fool around too much. It was too casual and unpresentable. She cooked for Feng Yi and Feng Xiaochen very casually, and the father and son gave her face. No matter what she cooked, they would show her respect, especially Feng Xiaochen, who could not wait to praise her cooking.