You’ll Get What You Want Very Soon

At this moment, Feng Yi suddenly spoke up. "Grandpa, Little Fei is still young. It's good to have something that she likes. We've discussed it before marriage. I won't interfere with her work."

Yu Fei did not expect Feng Yi to speak up for her and gave him a grateful look. Some things were better said by Feng Yi. No matter what, she could not quit the industry, but she did not want to go against the old man either. It would be best if Feng Yi could handle this.

Old Master Feng glared at him. "I didn't ask her to stay at home. Of course, she can continue working. When the time comes, arrange a position for her in the company and let her work at the Feng Corporation directly."

Hearing this, Yu Fei clenched her fists. She had guessed correctly. Old Master Feng wanted her to quit the industry.