Emotional Collapse

Feng Yi was surprised to receive a call from Feng Xiaochen. During the call, the little guy suddenly started crying and could not speak clearly. Feng Yi initially thought that something had happened to Yufei, but after hearing Feng Xiaochen's sobs, he heaved a sigh of relief. He was actually glad that the woman was fine. Feng Xiaochen kept crying and sounded very sad. Feng Yi had already guessed that this would happen because Feng Xiaochen was too dependent on Yu Fei and wanted to be with her all the time.

Now that Yu Fei wanted to leave the little guy, he could not bear to leave her.

Feng Yi comforted him, "Your Mommy is going to work, but she's not abandoning you. She'll come home after she's done with her work. How can you not see her?"

He felt that it was already a huge improvement for Feng Xiaochen not to cry and make a scene.