You Look Like You Ate Explosives

It would not take long to cook noodles. When Yu Fei lived alone, she often cooked noodles to eat. It could fill her stomach and save trouble. Therefore, her cooking skills were not bad.

Ten minutes later, a steaming bowl of wonton noodles was ready. When she was looking for ingredients just now, she saw that there were still wontons wrapped in the fridge, so she cooked them together.

After she was done cooking, she asked the servant to call Feng Yi down. Although he treated her as a servant, she did not treat herself as a servant. It was already good enough to cook noodles for him. Don't expect her to bring it up.

A few minutes later, Feng Yi walked into the dining room with an ugly expression. He seemed to be very dissatisfied with Yu Fei's service. "Why don't you get someone to bring it up? I'm too tired today and don't want to move."

Yu Fei glared at him. "Yes, you still have to bring it upstairs. Do you also want me to feed you?"