You Asked For It

"Gu Yanzhi, let go!" Yu Fei said angrily.

However, Gu Yanzhi still did not let go of her hand, as if he would not let go until she apologized.

Yu Fei did not get angry. Instead, she smiled and nodded. "Fine, you forced me to do this!"

Next to them was a shelf in the seasoning section. Yu Fei picked up a large bottle of vinegar and threw it at Gu Yanzhi before the two of them could react.

No one expected her to do such a thing. By the time Gu Yanzhi realized it and wanted to dodge, it was already too late.


The bottle of vinegar smashed into Gu Yanzhi's forearm, which was covering his face. The bottle shattered immediately. Yu Yuanyuan screamed in horror as Yu Fei splashed the remaining half of the bottle of vinegar on her. The strong smell of vinegar spread.