It Was Worth It to Be Beaten Up

"Little Fei!" Vaguely, Yu Fei seemed to hear Gu Yanzhi's angry and panicked voice. "What are you doing? Get out of the way!"

Just as she was about to faint, she suddenly heard a surprised shout from the crowd. "It's Feng Yi, Feng Yi is here!"

"It really is Feng Yi! Oh my god, why is he here!"

Soon after, there was the sound of footsteps. It seemed that many people had arrived. The few women who surrounded her and beat her up screamed, "What are you doing? Let go of me! Who are you? What right do you have to arrest people!"

The fists and palms on her body disappeared. The pulling sensation on her scalp also disappeared. Her surroundings lit up, and the turbid air became much fresher. Yu Fei recovered a little. She endured the pain and slowly raised her head. The blurry things in front of her gradually became clear. A familiar slender figure walked in front of her.