Little Prince of Healing

Yu Fei could noot help but laugh out loud. She pinched his little face. "Mommy isn't gold. How can everyone like her?"

Feng Xiaochen said stubbornly, "Mommy is not gold. Gold yellow and ugly, so how can it compare to Mommy? Mommy is the best person in the world. No one can compare to you."

The little guy was really cute. He was simply the little prince of healing. It was annoying enough to see Gu Yanzhi and Yu Yuanyuan flaunting their love, and she was attacked for no reason. Her mood was originally very bad, but now it had been completely cured by the little guy.

Alright, this was the first time she had heard someone say that gold was not cute in such a disdainful tone. Although gold was indeed not something that was described as cute, she felt quite cute when using it! Gold was really valuable!

Although money was not omnipotent, one could not do without money.

"Mommy." Feng Xiaochen suddenly raised his head with a serious expression.