Doesn’t Match the Plot

During her daze, Gu Yanzhi was also looking at her. Despite being warned, he couldn't let go of his feelings. If they had not broken up back then, Yu would not wouldn't have become the woman she is now. Perhaps they would have been married by now, with children.

In a soft voice, Gu Yanzhi said, "Little Fei, do you remember? Back then, we..."

"Mr. Gu, I'm not interested in reminiscing with you. Please remain professional and focus on your work," Yu Fei interrupted coldly.

Gu Yanzhi wanted to say something more, but Director Feng suddenly asked, "Yanzhi, Little Fei, are you ready?"

Yu Fei replied, "Director Feng, I'm ready."

Gu Yanzhi glanced at her with a sense of disappointment and then turned to the director, saying, "I'm ready too."

This scene was about Xia Zhixing confessing to He Nian. In the drama, during the confession, He Nian had his back turned to Xia Zhixing, feeling shy. Xia Zhixing completed the confession from behind him.