If You’re Secretly Filmed, You’ll Make It Public

"You don't like it?" Feng Yi's lips curled into a smile. "Then why do you look like you're enjoying it?"

Enjoying it? Yu Fei's face was so hot that she could fry an egg. She said stubbornly, "Nonsense, I have nothing. Go away. If you do this to me again, I'll shout for help!"

This stinky man, even if she was really enjoying herself, he could not say it so bluntly. She was a girl, was she shameless?

Feng Yi pinched her chin and kissed her again when he heard her words that she did not mean. He kissed her until she could not breathe before moving away. "Say it again, do you like it or not?"

"I don't..." Before she could say that she didn't like it, Yu Fei's mouth was blocked again.

"Again, do you like it?"

How could Yu Fei dare to say no? She felt that her brain was lacking oxygen and she would faint at any moment.

Feng Yi's gaze became even more heated, and he bit her lip hard. "Yu Fei, I want you, now."