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Jade says "General Max what are your thoughts?" Max says "They have become desprate reviveing anciant Titans from the past we have already killed the True Wolf and the rest Monster was their last greatest soon enough they will return him to the living" Jade says "Yeah I can't wait to be reunited with him again" That's when a restored Vlad attacks he yells "DIE YOU WHORE!" Suddenly Vlad is torn to shreads by Jason who says "Vlad is dead" Jessica attacks from above she yells "I'LL KILL YOU FOR THAT!" She is cut in half by Bella who says "Filthy Titan learn your place" That's when Jade smells it she says "Could it be? Are they finally doing it?" Max says "Doing what?" Jade smiles and says "Darling has returned" Everyone but Jason are glad he says "He is just another Titan" Jason drops to his knees at the verge of death after Jade gut punched him she says "How dare you insult darling i'll have your head next time" Jason says "I am sorry" The Entity that brought Savage back was forced to depend upon him he needed a Wild Card that could flip the board over and the only one that could do it was Savage. Savage says "Now then what type of help do you need from me maggot?" They say "I need you to kill the Eternals they have been genocideing the Titans for thousands of eternities and with each new generation more Eternals are born and joined with the others no one can stop them except you" Savage says "If it has truely been that long then how can I trust you can reunite me with the ones I love most?"