Part 2 Escape


Small bump > Ed Sheeran

Numb > Lincoln Park

Scars > Stray Kids


Things happened amazingly fast the moment the baby was born. We were moved under the cover of a metal dome, the ones they use to move dead bodies, to a very secure 'recovery' room in the basement next to the morgue. After receiving an epidural with the C-section, I was stitched up by the surgeon, but we had to wait for the epidural to wear off before we could travel to the new location.

In the delivery room, Dr. Nakamura and Nurse Jung went to work quickly, placing a wax replica of me on the delivery table covered in the bloody sheets from the delivery. They also had the body of an unknown female infant who was clearly a premature and sickly baby, the mother - was a teenager who died of a drug overdose.

The Lee clan was satisfied seeing the flatline on my heart monitor through the viewer's window, but they needed to touch the body of the baby to believe the Doctor that she had passed away.

My wax replica and the unknown infant were placed together on the slab in the morgue fridge for identification by family members. The infant will receive a proper burial together with my wax replica. She will appear in the Lee family register as Lee Eun-Ju.

Aunt Mei was waiting for us in the recovery room and informed me of what was happening.

"The Lee's will not discover the wax replica as I was the one that identified your body, a real paternity test result was handed to Minho and President Lee. We made sure that they can't get a blood sample of the other infant to do their own testing, the bodies are under strict security as you were a high-profile person."

Aunt Mei also filled me in on what happened the last five months since she found me in the driveway of my house on that rainy night.

"About two months after you were admitted, Minho and President Lee showed up at Sing city hospital looking for you. At that stage, you were in the General ward under an alias."

"The moment President Lee saw your pregnant belly he made a HUGE scene saying you are The Lee Hanul, and you needed to be moved to a VIP room immediately, you were given a private nurse to look after you, as the care in the general ward was not good enough. Though he did make it abundantly clear to the nurse (in private) that all care should be given to the baby and your body, he didn't give a crap what happened to your mind."

"Minho explained to his father that they had to keep up appearances, especially to the media, he has to appear like a concerned husband and dotting father, and his father must delay the divorce announcement only until you woke up, even if it takes years."

"If you never woke up from your coma was not going to work for President Lee. Though he never said it aloud, I was aware that he was preparing to have you killed as soon as the baby was born."

Suddenly Nurse Jung appeared in my field of vision checking on my IV and vitals. From the look on my face aunt Mei knew that I wanted to know if it was safe to talk in front of the Nurse.

She nodded "Hanul, meet Nurse Jung; she was the one that looked after you these past three months."

I nodded in her direction "Hallo"

"Hallo Hanul, how are you doing, any feeling in your legs yet? It has been 2 hours already"

"Yes," I said wriggling my toes. "I can feel my legs and started moving my feet"

"Good now keep lying flat on your back for one more hour, trust me if you start moving too soon you will suffer from severe headaches in a day or two" she gave a strained laugh. "I should know," she said. "Been there done that." With that she moved away to attend to the baby who was sleeping in a crib not far from my bed.

I moved my attention back to Aunt Mei as something she said earlier just clicked in my mind.

"Aunt Mei, did you say five months? How is that possible? The baby should be premature, but she looks like an infant carried to the full term of 40 weeks, not just five months."

"We know dear one, the doctors can't explain it either. The Lee Clan is not aware of this, all the sonar photos and reports they have is of an infant of 22 weeks. Minho disputed that he was the father, he said that you were not pregnant when he left you alone for a month to go on a business trip to Musang country, why now after 4 years of marriage? His father was tipped off by a care worker that recognized you and told them that you were pregnant. The Lee clan demanded a paternity test the moment they were notified that you were in labour."

I felt my mind go numb, as I relived the night, he left me all over again. I see the darkness in the corner of my mind whispering in my ear that it is warm and safe.

A sharp pain in my skull brought the voice of my daughter.

"MODDY! You will not go into the darkness again; you have me now"

I turned my head to look at my sleeping daughter only to find sea green eyes staring straight at me, she blinked once.

"I know you can hear me Moddy" a soft giggle accompanies the voice at the same time as the new born made a happy gurgle sound in her crib, (way more advanced behaviour than that of a new born.)

My eyes went wide as I tried to speak.

"Shh.... Moddy only you can hear me, I will keep the darkness away for you, but you need to want it too"

"Okay pumpkin, I will work hard for you, please look after me."

"Hanul!" Aunt Mei's urgently called to me. "Have you decided on a name for the baby yet?"

I turned to look at my beautiful daughter and remembered the dream I had of the baby dragon in the field of lilies. A smile spread across my face "Lilly her name is Lilly"

The moment I had full use of my legs we were sped off to a highly secure private villa in Jade city.