Part 31 Got you!!!!


Please note that the next two chapters will have multiple POVs.

Minho’s group of mercenaries is called Nights and not Knights. This is not a spelling mistake as each team has a different night-affiliated name.


Trust fall → P!nk


A beat-up vintage mint green Chevrolet pickup truck pulled up at the service station where Cleo and I took refuge. The young attendant on duty succumb to Cleo’s flirting and borrowed us his mobile phone, whereafter I dialed the number Ken gave me years ago.

The voice on the receiving side was very abrupt when he answered.


“Hanul Lee,” I said.


I looked around and saw a name on the service window where the attendant was sitting. “Carlo’s service station.”

“Wait there.” The call was disconnected. Cleo gave the phone back to the poor attendant that had hearts in his eyes.

A man in his early forties walked into the shop and started talking to the attendant.