Chapter 2


It was finally happening. Right now, I'm happy because Alex had moved his hand, that must be good, after all, and part of the hope I lost, came back and stronger. Carlota and Ana enter the room and shortly after Marcos enters with the doctor who begins to do, I don't know what, at this moment I'm not paying attention to what he's saying, but as soon as I notice how they want to separate me from Alex, I look for the culprit, Marcos.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to take you anywhere, the doctors need the space to work, we'll wait in front of the door, okay?" he said, and I calmed down a bit and went out with him behind. They sat down as I paced up and down the aisle. "Can you sit still at least for a while?" my best friend asked, and I shook my head "I can't Carlota, Alex moved his hand, that must be a good sign, right?" I asked, starting to doubt everything "Of course it is, but now relax and sit down, you're starting to get on my nerves, and if it wasn't for the fact you're pregnant I swear I'd give you a slap on the face."

"I must call Carolina, I'm sure she'll be excited to hear this." I said trying to collect my thoughts "I'm sure she does, but you should relax a little because we don't want you to faint from the excitement, remember what the doctors told you" Asked Carlota "I remember it and I don't forget, but Alex can wake up!!!" With that I get away from them a little, pick up the phone and dial Carolina who doesn't take too long to answer.

"Gabriela, is something wrong with Alex? Is something wrong with you?" was the first thing my fiancé's grandmother asked, "I'm fine, don't worry, but I have good news for you." I said with a big smile on my face, "What?" She asked in a confused tone, "I was with Alex in the room, and he moved his hand, that must be good."

"Oh, I can't believe it, and of course it's got to be a good sign. Listen, I'm going there now." Carolina reported and nodded even though I couldn't see myself, "Can you tell Mónica? I want to be there when the doctors leave the room." I said "Yeah, don't worry I'll let her know. See you in a while, Gabriela." She said, "I'll see you in a while."

We hung up, I called my mother to tell her about Alex and she told me they were coming here, but I managed to convince her to stay at home, that she didn't need to come and would let her know. As soon as I hung up, I went to where the others were and started walking back and forth like I had been doing before calling Carolina and my mother.

"I thought she wasn't good, but from what I see you exaggerated Marcos." I and Carlota turned our heads in the direction from which that voice had come, and although I knew full well it belongs to Carlos, I could not believe it. "And believe me she was, I didn't lie to you about that," my best friend assured his brother, making it clear this had been something he plotted. Shouldn't you be working?"

"The boss gave me a couple of days off when he knew my sister is sick, that's why I showed up here," he replied with a smile on his face. "Ana is fine." I said, looking at Ana trying to understand if both Carlota and Marcos had hidden something from me "But that doesn't matter, why don't we go eat somewhere?" he asked and I denied, "I'm not going to move from here, Carlos."

"Thank goodness because I'm bringing you your favourite dish from that restaurant we went to years ago," he commented as if he has said nothing. "It wasn't..." I started to say, but he denied "Of course it was, a little bird told me you weren't eating anything and believe me, as an older brother and friend of your fiancé, I must make you eat."

"Carlos..." I tried again, "Carlos, nothing, you're going to eat and that's it." He said and I knew he won't budge "But only because it's what Alex would want." I pointed out "Ah, you hear this fool and not to us who have been telling you all this time you must do it for Alex at least? That hurt Gabriela," commented Carlota with a small smile on her face "Don't get jealous sister-in-law, what happens is that you don't have the ability of the older brother and make her smile at least."

"Neither you would Carlos, if you get there before this, you'll see you wouldn't be able to do everything you say you do." We spent some time talking, or rather, they talked because I was eating. I must admit it was good, but I'm nervous. The doctors were taking too long for me to liking and every minute that passed, it's a minute in which I became more nervous and after an hour the doctor comes out with the nurses. I got up quickly and went to the doctor who only had time to close the door.

"How is he, doctor?" I asked, anxious to know how my fiancé is doing, "You can see that for yourself if you walk into the room." Without further ado, I went into the room while Marcos and Carlos stayed outside with the doctor. My surprise when I entered was to see Alex awake, with a smile on his face, those eyes I missed so much were looking at me and I couldn't walk forward, I was in shock.

"Hello beautiful." I didn't know what to do, I had been standing in front of the door looking at him, because I couldn't believe it, I had been waiting for this for a long time, and I must say my vision became a little blurry, so I leaned against the door frame, making Carlota put a hand on my back and come a little closer. "Are you okay?" I didn't even answer Carlota anymore because I ran in the direction of Alex, I started crying as I hugged him.

"Hey, calm down, I'm fine, stop crying because you don't look so beautiful this way," Alex said and I couldn't help but let out a laugh "You're stupid..." I muttered looking at him and still not believing I'm awake "I know, but at least you're smiling." he commented "Well, we're coming later guys, you have a lot to talk about." With that, Carlota left the room, leaving us alone. Alex had put his arm around my waist and started stroking my back.

"Have you been eating my queen?" he asked in a worried tone "Did you just wake up from a coma and is that the first thing that comes to mind, love?" I asked curiously "I wouldn't ask if it weren't for the fact I'm feel you lost weight, and it looks like you didn't sleep too much either." he said "I couldn't do it, I wasn't able to do it, I was worried about you." I replied, "You shouldn't have been so worried about me, I was fine."

"Do you call being fine to being in a coma and almost dying?" I asked, "But that hasn't happened, and I've woken up." he replied as if it wasn't a big deal what his body had gone through. "I know it hasn't happened, but imagine being told you can die, and even on top of they didn't let me be with you when you were on the forest floor."

"You were angry" he said with a small smile on his face "What?" I asked, momentarily confused, "Yes, you looked angry. I don't know what you'd say to your cousins, but it sounded like you were angry." My fiancée said, "How do you...?" I started "I was half conscious, but now answer me a beautiful question, and I want you to be honest." she asked "What's wrong?" I asked still confused "What you said in the woods while Roberta was coming, is it true?"

"I don't understand," I said sincerely, because at this moment I had no idea what he was referring to. "You told me to hang in there for both of you, that I had to watch our child grow up." I separated myself from him and stared at him, remembering what had happened during that time when Roberta was coming to help us, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember it.

"Is it true or not?" he asked again, and I shook my head trying to clear my mind a bit, "I don't remember telling you... I don't really know what I said at the time... I just remember you were on the ground... bleeding..." I said, with images of that moment starting to pile up in my mind "Don't think about that, it's not necessary, I just want to know if it's true." he asked and I just nodded "Are we going to be parents?" he asked "Yes love, we're going to be parents." I confirmed, leaving my hand on his cheek and a smile on my face and that's when he hugged me and I started crying again, the normal for me lately, but I'm crying with happiness, because I'm more aware than ever I'm pregnant and that Alex had woken up after a whole month without being able to see those eyes that I like so much.

"Why are you crying, beautiful?" she asked, "It's just that... It's just that after a whole month... the pregnancy becomes a reality..." I said between sobs, "How many months are you pregnant?" she asked curiously, "Considering when I was locked up, I was four weeks, I'm two months."

"Two months? You should have rested and eaten as you need," he protested, "I wasn't hungry," I said, "And you didn't listen to us when we told you to go home or eat. Your fiancée is too stubborn Alex, let's see if she pays more attention to you than she does to us."

I don't know when Carlota had entered the room, but I only know she would have killed her for saying what she had said. It's true what she said, I know, but she should understand I couldn't eat, let alone fall asleep. I tried, I couldn't fall asleep, and as soon as the food reached my stomach, I vomited it. I hate having that taste in my mouth, no matter how much I brushed my teeth, it wouldn't go away.

"I'll take care of that, don't worry and thank you for taking care of her during the time I was in a coma." thanked my fiancé "We didn't take care per se, she didn't pay any attention to us" he said "Hey love, what did the doctors tell you?" I asked curiously "Well, nothing, they would have me here for a couple of days."

"They would tell you something about how you are at least" I pointed out and he denied "Beautifull, I'm fine, stop worrying the one we have to worry about now, is you." he replied, and I denied "No, I'm fine." I assured "You're thinner and without rest, that's not being well in your state. At least I hope you ate today," he asked and nodded, "Should I trust you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't worry about it" he pointed out and I shook my head, "On that side today you can rest assured she ate, Carlos forced her." my best friend reported with a big smile on her face, "Is he here?" Alex asked, surprised to hear that information, "Yes, he's here today and staying a few days."

"Well, then you should go home to rest," Alex commented and that would be something I wouldn't do even I died. "Oh no, you can forget about that because I'm not going home." I assured "But you must rest, beautiful." My fiancée pointed out "But I don't have to do it at home. I'll stay with you, and there's nothing going to stop me."

"At home you will rest more comfortably," he replied and again, I denied "I don't care about that, I'm not going home and that's it." I replied "Alex, leave her. You won't be able to convince her. We must go. See you tomorrow guys." my best friend said goodbye, which makes me turn in her direction, because even though this month we argued more than ever, I also know she spent a lot of her time out there taking care of me "You don't need to come Carlota, I'm going to be fine. Besides, how long have you been since you haven't gone home to rest?"

"The one who's pregnant says it, for me don't worry, Marcos practically forced me to go home today, but you won't be left alone anyway, he stays." she pointed to her boyfriend "You don't need to stay." I protested "He'll stay in case you need anything, and he's not going to leave, you know that." commented Carlota with a big smile on her face, knowing what she's saying is true "Yes, but go because Ana has to go to sleep, it's too late for her to be awake."

"I'm leaving. Do me the favour of resting, yes?" Carlota asked, "I'll take care of that, don't worry." Alex quickly replied "At least I can be calmer. Take care of them Alex." asked my best friend and I noticed how my fiancé nodded "I'll do it, rest Carlota."

"Bye guys, see you tomorrow." she said "No..." I started to protest "I'll come, just as you are stubborn, so see you tomorrow." Alex laughed and the truth is I didn't see the fun in this. I know I'm stubborn and stuff, but I don't need to have babysitters glued to me all the time.

"Beautiful, you have to sleep." pointed Alex with a smile on his face "It's just that I'm not sleepy yet." I replied, "You do, but before you fall asleep you must eat." he commented and I shook my head, because I wasn't hungry either. "Alex, I've already eaten." I noted "But you didn't have dinner, and you have to, for your sake and that of our child."

"I'm not going to move from here," I said. "Please, Gabriela, nothing will happen to me," he assured, and I shook my head. "No, I'm not going to part with you." I said, "But you have to eat." he protested "Your fiancée is right, at least hear him." asked Marcos "You're all against me." I murmured "No, we're not, we're just worried about your health. You should take care of yourself now that you're pregnant."

"And I do." I pointed out "No, you don't, at least not as you should, but now Carlos brings you some food, he said he was going to go get it." replied Marcos "Didn't he go with them?" I asked surprised that he's still here "No, he's leaving in a while, he said he had to make sure you ate before leaving."

"And that's what I'm going to do, little sister and before you refuse, I'm not going to move from here until you finish it." he replied and I rolled my eyes "Okay, but then you go home, you must be tired from the trip." I commented, knowing it would be true "I'm not, but I promise I will when you finish eating all I brought you."

"I hate the three of you," I muttered with a pout, "You actually adore us, and you know it." I started eating mostly so they would stop pestering me about eating, and we talked for a while until I fell asleep.