Chapter 5


Today was a great day, mostly because I had woken up in a good mood, which is rare for me, it would make any of my family freak out. The thing is, I wanted to go out and get some fresh air and when I turn to the other side, I see the boy I had fallen in love with. I stared at him for a while until I got up to go get some food. When I got to the kitchen, I started looking in the cupboards for something to eat until I found some chocolate cereals, I took them and went out into the garden, obviously I sat in the sun. Luckily for me, the garden was at the back of the house where no one saw me, I didn't want to be seen as I was dressed, people were too gossipy and if they saw me wearing an Alex t-shirt the rumours would start again, I didn't want to be the centre of gossip again.

I ate half the bag of cereal when I hear Alex calling me all over the house, which I think is funny, but I imagine he must be worried looking for me all over the house. "In the garden." It doesn't take long for him to approach the door that leads to the garden, leans against the frame, and stares at me. I can see how a smile is appearing on his beautiful face. "Those cereals were my favourite, beautiful, how dare you?" he said, pretending to be offended. "What do you want me to do to it?"

"Nothing, we'll have to buy more so it doesn't run out," he replied with a shrug of his shoulders. "I've never eaten cereals like this, I'm telling you," I commented, because it wasn't something I ate, and I really don't know if pregnancy had anything to do with all this.

"Are we going to go to the beach?" I asked excitedly "Only if you feel like it." He replied and I nodded, because it's something I want to do, that and eat more of these cereals "Then let's go to breakfast, change, go buy the cereals and go to the beach. If you want, we can spend the day there," said my fiancé, and to which I nodded, "I think it's great, let's go."

I got up and Alex laughed, I don't know exactly why, but we went into the house, and he started making breakfast. I wanted to help him, but he wouldn't let me, so I ended up sitting in the chair and eating the cereal. When he finished making the juice and coffee, he put it in front of me with a big smile on his face.

An hour later we were ready to go buy my cereal and go to the beach. I had called the guys to tell them I wouldn't be home, to which they replied I should have a good time. At the supermarket, we went straight to the cereal area and there they were. I was never a big fan of cereals, much less on coffee or milk, but right now it's the thing I want the most, and I hate to think about it on coffee or milk, it made me gag, apparently that's something it wouldn't change. Alex grabbed about four boxes, bought a few bottles of water, paid, and we went to the beach.

Once we got to it, Alex grabbed the umbrella and towels. When we found an area where there was sun and not too many people, we stretched out the towels and he got under the umbrella while I got in the sun, I adored it and I would always adore the sun, that's why I loved summer, one, because it was practically always sunny, and two, because it tends to be hot, I hate cold more than anything.

"Blij om te zien dat alles in orde is, neef, zelfs Alex ziet er beter uit dan de laatste keer dat ik hem zag. (I'm glad to see you're okay, cousin, even Alex looks better than the last time I saw him.)" It's at that moment when I turn around to see Kevin, which doesn't make sense because they had left shortly after Alex incident, they had to go back to their jobs and everything, I don't know what he does here exactly.

"Kev, wat doe jij hier? (Kev, what are you doing here?)" I asked surprised to see him here "Well, actually we're all here, did you really think we were going to leave like this? Je hebt het helemaal mis, neef. (You're sorely mistaken, cousin.) I'm glad to see you're recovering Alex," Kevin commented, looking in my fiancé's direction, "Me too, but I'm glad to see you here too. Hadn't you gone back to Holland?"

"Yes, we did, but it was to fix everything with the jobs. We didn't sit back and leave Gabriela like that, so we fixed everything and went back. We'll stay until the end of the summer," he replied, and my eyes increased to their normal size. "Zo lang? (That long?)" I asked in surprise, "Ha (yes) I barely spent time with you. It won't be this year you get rid of your favourite cousin."

"Now that I've assimilated it, and you show up? That's being cruel Kev." I joked and he let out a laugh "That's who I am, you should know that, but while we're at it, why don't you come and eat at grandma's house? That way everyone will see you're okay," he said, and Alex turned in my direction, "Do you feel like it, beautiful?"

"We were going to be at the beach all day Alex..." I protested, pouting, "I know, but if we don't do it today, we can do it tomorrow, that's not what you should be worried about." he said "Okay, plus I want to eat the cereal we have in the car." I said and heard Kevin took a breath "You eating cereal? Now that's weird. You never eat them."

"Well, there's always a first time, now let's go before I change my mind and don't want to spend the day looking at your face." I commented "You love seeing this beautiful face, don't deny it." he joked, and I shook my head pointing in Alex's direction "No, I love to see this beautiful face, without yours I can survive." I said messing with him "That's a low blow Gabriela."

Both Alex and I laughed at Kevin's face, because the truth was he's funny when he's sulking. Alex oversaw picking up everything, since he wouldn't let me do anything and which made my cousin wonder what's wrong with us, but we didn't tell him anything, we could take advantage now that we were all together. To tell them about the pregnancy, but first we would have to call Alex's grandmother and his mother, they had to be there, especially Victoria, who was the only one of the two who didn't know what's going on.

On the way to my grandparents' house, we were laughing, and I was eating cereal, which made my cousin laugh even more, but I wasn't amused. I don't know what's funny about me eating cereal. When we arrived, we got out of the car and went to the orchard where everyone was, I would take the opportunity to get into the sun and eat the cereals, but before entering I stop Alex.

"What's the matter, beautiful? Do you need anything?" he asked, and I shook my head, "I need you to call your grandmother and your mother." I replied, "What for?" he questioned, a little confused, I would say "We'll tell them today, we have to take advantage of the fact they are here." His smile widened and the twinkle in his eye that always appears when we talk about our child appeared, I loved to see him so happy.

"Okay, I'll call them, while why don't you sit down and eat those cereals?" he asked and nodded with a big smile on my face "That's just what I'm going to do, don't take too long please." I asked as I wanted to be with him at this moment "I won't." he assured me. We kissed and I went into the garden. As soon as they see me enter, they leave me a space on the bench that have sunlight. It also doesn't go unnoticed that everyone is staring at me like Kevin was the moment I said I wanted to eat the cereal we had in the car, but I ignored them and continued eating the cereal, because at this moment it's the only thing I wanted to do, well, sleep I also wanted to do, but first of all I was eating these cereals and that's what I would do.