Chapter 11


At this moment we're heading to my grandparents' house, which was less than fifty meters from each other, and I'm nervous. It's not I didn't want them to not find out, I did, I just don't know how exactly they're going to react. I know they're going to be happy and all, but I kind of have a feeling they're going to be too annoying and won't leave me alone. I don't want them to worry about me, because I'm more than sure even though I don't want them to talk about the risky of my pregnancy, Roberta will tell them, I'm more than sure of that.

Before entering the garden, which is where everyone is, Alex stops me and makes me look at him for a couple of seconds, until he hugs me. "Everything will be fine, you'll see." my fiancé assured, and I nodded because I already knew it. "I know." I confirmed, "So why are you so nervous?" He asked, "It's important news, I think."

"No one denies it, but I know that's not the reason." He insisted "My love, it's nothing, I'm fine." I assured him once again "Right now that's not the case. You shouldn't worry, it's not good for you." He said, leaving his hand on my abdomen. "I know, but really, nothing will happen to us, calm down." I asked, "I'll do it as soon as I make sure you're going to be okay and you're not going to get any more nervous than you are right now."

"I promise you I'm not going to, as long as you're there nothing will happen to us." I responded, knowing that would be true. "I won't separate then." I know with Alex by my side I wouldn't get any more nervous than I am now, but I couldn't help it either, because it's something important in my life and although we didn't expect it by now, we would have children in the future.

With that we entered the garden and sat in the first place we saw free, which, luckily or because they wanted it that way, is in the sun. We spent a while talking, well, more like they were talking, I was looking at everyone and they at the same time covertly looked at me, or that's what they must have thought, because I realize they were doing it.

"Well, leaving all that talk behind, what did you have to say?" Nere said impatiently. "We had." I corrected her, "Okay, whatever you want, just tell us even though they don't tell you anything, everyone is dying to know what's happening to you." she insisted "Nerea!!!!" Grandma exclaimed, "It's the truth, Grandma. Besides, you said yourself we must ask her a couple of things."

"What things?" I asked, focusing my gaze on grandma. "Why did you leave like that ago when we were going to eat and many more, so start talking, dear." That's when I notice how Carlota is laughing, I don't know if it's because of what Nerea just said or why exactly, I just know she's laughing. "Come on Gabriela, tell them. It's not bad at all." My best friend said, messing with me "Wait. Do you know it too?" Kevin asked my best friend. "Obviously I know, Kev."

"Everyone knows it and I don't. What is it that I cannot know?" Kevin asked, pretending to be offended, which I denied, because it wasn't he couldn't know, but I knew how it's going to be. "It's not that you can't know, Kev, you know you're one of the few people I tell everything to. " I defended myself "But not this. What is it that two people know? Well, I must assume four people know it." He said pointing to Roberta, Marcos, Carlota and Alex "I'm pregnant."

With that everyone stared in our direction with a look of not understanding anything, my grandmother's face was slowly changing into a big smile, Kev's was already taking up her entire face and the anxiety I had a moment ago increased a little further. Alex and I looked at each other for a moment and I could tell he's tense, I guess it's because we weren't receiving any encouragement from the rest, and I must admit those seconds felt like forever.

"Really?" Nerea asked, containing her euphoria. "I wouldn't play with a thing like that, Nerea." I assured "AHHHHH!!!! I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNT!!!!" It seems with María's scream everyone reacts and starts to smile and Alex relaxes almost instantly. "My girl is going to be a mother. You can't see how happy that makes me."

And at that moment all the shouting started. Everyone started coming up to us to congratulate us and give us hugs. They were making such a fuss they even caught the attention of all the neighbours who ended up congratulating us as well.

After a while of not leaving us alone for a second, they start talking about the news we just gave them, and it's at that moment I notice my father who's alone and looking at us with a sad look, so I go to his side to see what's wrong with him, besides, he was the only one who hadn't come to us like the rest.

"Hello Dad." I said looking at the rest, as he's doing. "You should be with the others." he said, and I denied "I should, but now I'm with you. Are you going to tell me what's wrong with you or do I have to guess?" I asked curiously "There's nothing wrong with me, you should be happy, after all, you're going to be a mother."

"And I'm happy about that, Dad, but you're not happy. You look sad." I pointed out and he denied, "It's just I hadn't gotten the idea you were older." He finally admitted, "I don't think you'll ever be able to accept the idea I've gotten older." I responded, letting out a small laugh. "Maybe, but it's different." He said and I frowned not understanding why it's different "To what?"

"Because you were always the one who had problems at school with your classmates' boys in class, you had to put up with many things no one had to go through at that age, you were and are special." He said and I shook my head with a small smile on my face. "But all of that is over, Dad." I said, "Sometimes I think I wasn't the father you deserved." He confessed and I ended up looking at him, leaving my hand on his arm "Don't even say that as a joke dad, because you have been the best dad ever. Whenever I needed someone to listen to me, you were there. Whenever there was a storm, you were with me so I wouldn't be afraid. You are the best father I could have had, and I'm not saying it to make you feel better, I'm saying it because it's the truth dad. Even when all that happened with the class and what came after, you were there for whatever I needed. Are you going to tell me that's not being a great father?"

"You see it that way because you have a big heart, Gabriela." He said and I denied, because it had nothing to do with whether I have a big heart or not. "No, it's not. What I tell you is true, but now tell me what makes you so sad." I asked, "It's not sufficient that you're no longer my little girl?" He asked and I couldn't help but laugh "Dad, I'll always be your little girl, even when I am old. That won't change." I assured "Do you promise me?" He asked and I nodded "I promise, I'll always be your girl like you say."

"You know I love you, right?" He asked and I nodded because even though we are one of those people who didn't say it often, I knew he did. "I know, I hope you know it too." I commented and he nodded "I know that too, but I must congratulate you. I'm sure you'll be happy with that guy and with your child." He said and I nodded. "With Alex I'm happy dad, and now we're going to be parents even more so." I assured "I will be a grandfather…"

He said that last thing as if thinking in his head, but he said it out loud, and I am amused by the thoughtful look on his face at that moment, it even seemed like he's excited to be a grandfather. "You know? I had never thought about the possibility of being a grandfather, but now that I think about it, I like the idea." He said and a big smile appeared on my face "Really?" I asked and he nodded "Yes, and from your mother's face I must say she also loved the idea even though she didn't care whether she had grandchildren or not."

I look at my mother and it seems he's right, despite all those times she and grandma talked about the grandchildren of the first and the great-grandchildren of the second, right now it seemed she's delighted with that idea, which made me happy "That's why you were so happy these last few days. How much long are you?" he asked. "Almost four months." I responded with a smile and waiting for his surprise "What? So, you were pregnant when Alex happened?" He asked and I nodded. "Yes, they had to admit me, I don't know if you remember that moment."

"Of course I remember, the scare you gave us all at that moment was great. Now I understand why your cousin was on top of you, she knew it, right?" My dad asked and I nodded. "It's because of a trick she and Carlota put on me that I knew I was pregnant. According to them it was evident I was, but I didn't believe them, and I only took the test to prove them wrong."

"When the one who was wrong was actually you." he pointed out and I nodded again "Exactly. I swear at that moment I almost faint there." I admitted, "I suppose, but then what I can't explain is why both your cousin and the guys are so on top of you." He noted, "Things about them, Dad."

"I don't think it's their thing. What do they know that we don't?" He asked and I started to look away again. "It's nothing, Dad, really." At that moment I realized everyone is silent, that they had stopped talking, which makes my father and I pay attention to them, and noticed they were all looking at me with worried faces, which at this time I don't understand what it's about.

"Why are you all looking at me like that? What did you tell them Roberta?" I asked, focusing my gaze on my cousin. "The truth is, they must have known." She responded and I rolled my eyes, annoyed she told them everything. "She's right, Gabriela, we had to know." said grandma, "But I'm fine, we don't have to pay attention to what the doctor said two months ago." I responded in an annoyed tone, "Gabriela?"

I turned to my father who was looking at me with curiosity and without understanding anything, so I decided it's better that I tell at least someone. "Nothing dad, it's just the day they admitted me they told me the pregnancy was risky, that's why they don't let me do anything and they are so on top of me."

"Was that what you didn't want to tell me?" He asked surprised and I nodded "Yes, but because it really wasn't necessary. The last checkup we went to, the doctor said it was going well, right Alex?" I asked my fiancé to at least help me get out of all this. "That's true, he said everything was going well." Alex responded with a smile on his face "See? That's why I didn't want to tell you, I don't want you to become as neurotic as they are."

"I didn't know that, but the fact your pregnancy is going well right now has nothing to do with it, the pregnancy is still risky." Roberta insisted, which makes me roll my eyes. "Well, I don't understand why it continues to be that way." I said sincerely, "I'm sorry to have to tell you this, Gabriela, but taking into account your problem with anxiety and that your child seems to have some anomalies, it's at risk."

And with those last words I stared at my cousin, because I wasn't really understanding anything. What anomalies is she talking about at this moment? I'm shocked, I'm not understanding anything, and it is at that moment I notice how my father holds me, so I don't fall backwards, and it does not take long for Alex to appear at my side to support me himself.

"What the hell are you talking about Roberta?" I asked, confused and angry, "The day Gabriela was admitted, I spoke with the doctor who treated her, and she told me it is possible the child's lungs are not well formed, that as the pregnancy progresses, they may end up being fine, but at that time was not like that." I still didn't understand anything, nothing made sense. If that happened, the doctor would have told us, but I don't think my cousin was lying to me either, not with this issue.

"And why didn't the doctor tell us?" Alex asked next to me since I still didn't really know what was happening. "First of all, because Gabriela was already bad enough because Paula had shot you, I didn't want her to get worse than she already was, and second because I asked them not to say anything to her."

Alex was running his hands on my arms to make me relax, but I didn't want to continue listening to any of this, at this moment I want to go away and be alone, so I got up with Alex behind me and as soon as I was going to leave, a great dizziness invades me and end up falling to the ground without knowing what happens next.